Weekly church bulletins, what can I say? I don't like them very well. I was getting ready to put out this Sunday's bulletin and wondering what kind of design to use. I was looking on Window 2007 to see what they had. There was one named "Protestant Church Bulletin" so I downloaded this spread sheet. That was different, not Baptist, but good. A bulletin is to give the members an idea of what the service is going to be about and what the weekly activities are going to be, etc. I think? I have put out different kinds of newsletters, papers, over the years and collected a number of bulletins from various churches.
So in the process, I ask. just how would God want us to have worship on Sunday and during the week.
There are as many ways local churches worship as there are local churches. So are they all right?
So I was researching this idea of should we seek to do God's work in His Church in a way that He as prescribed in His Scriptures?
We believe that God, who has lordship and sovereignty over all, is holy, and does good unto all, and is therefore to be worshipped because He is God, He is to be feared, praised, and called upon, and trusted in, and served, with all our hearts, and with all our soul, and with all our might. The Lord our God, who alone is to be worshiped, teaches us the way in which we are to worship Him in His Word.
As we have said, the BIBLE, which is the Word of God, is entirely sufficient for everything in our faith, life and practice and we do not need to add anything of our own, nor really should we. Rather we should seek to have our worship to be ordered according to God's instructions and not according to our imaginations or traditions, or our desire to see more people come to our services, or in any way God has not prescribed for us. This is not to say we don't desire to see the Lord add to His church, we do. Its not to say we do not desire to see visitors come and visit we do. But we desire first and foremost to see the Lord glorified and honored by our worship to Him.
While there are many ways, it seems to interpret the general directions the Lord has given in the Bible about how He wants to be worship there is a pattern He has given.
PRAYER: Outside preaching/teaching prayer is the most important aspect of our worship. Acts 3:1, I Corinthians 14:14-19, Acts 6:4.
READING OF SCRIPTURE. Reading the Scripture is a vital element in the public worship of the church. In 1 Timothy Paul instructs Timothy that it is his duty as an elder of the church to devote himself to "the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.. (4:13). Its the Word in which God speaks to us, and we worship Him by hearing with reverence, diligent attention, self application and obedience. Reading the Scripture as a part of the services gives a voice of God in our worship.
THE SOUND PREACHING OF THE WORD. God has ordained preaching of the Word of God as a means for His Church to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in every age. In preaching/teaching, God's whole counsel is proclaimed, and the way of salvation in Jesus Christ is made clear. Mark 16:15, Acts 10:42 and 2 Timothy 4:2
That God might be edified.
The lost might be converted.
The people of God might be edified and build up in faith.
Biblical sound (Titus 2:1) That is doctrinally correct.
Diligent (Acts 18:25.)
Faithful (I Corin 4:2).
Complete (Acts 20:27.
Powerful (1Corin 2:4)
Clear and easy to understand (1Corin 3:2).
Filled with fervent love toward Christ.
4. THE ATTENTIVE HEARING OF THE WORD. It is the responsibility of all God's people to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth. A critical part of our right worship of Christ is the paying of close attention in hearing the word of God preach on Sunday morning.
Give special attention preparing ourselves to hear that word through our personal prayer and the study of the Scriptures.
"I didn't get much out of that sermon?" the real reason I would say for that is that we didn't put much into that sermon. Should we really expect to be captivated by something that, through our lack of preparation, we are totally unprepared to receive what we hear?
5. THE SINGING. The singing of praise unto the Lord is a vitally important element in the scripture worship of God. Col. 3:16. I Corin 16:9. Eph 5:19 and Col 3:16.
6. PUBLIC CONFESSION OF OUR FAITH: 1 Timothy 6:11-12. I take this to mean in my opinion, confession of our faith in Jesus Christ. Testimony would be a way of confession public our love for Christ.
7. THE COLLECTION: Now note 1 Corinthians 16:1-2.
Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also; On the first day of the week let each one of you lay somethings aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come."
Paul is saying the members of the church: it is their duty to give as the Lord has prospered them for the relief of needy members of the church. Coming to the church the first day of the week, (I wonder if this would be Saturday as well?) to give a portion of the riches that God has given for the need of the poor, the spreading of the Gospel, and other expenses of the church.
Is Paul saying to give ten percent? we have always heard this, give 10 percent? I would agree that we should give a portion of our income. In the Old Testament they gave 30 percent. That would be good. I say, we should made sure all our income will bring glory to Christ. And if you do the more you can give to the cause of Christ in the church.
8. The Lord's Supper and Baptism
I Corinthians 11:23, Matthew 28:19, Col 2:11, Acts 2:38-39, Matthew 26:26
I will address baptism in another blog soon. When are we to baptize a believer? How old should a person be to be baptized?
When are we to take of the Lord's Supper? Who is to take the Lord's Supper?