I observed several things:
- Both men had suit and ties.
- Both were standing behind the pulpit or podium. And both remained behind the podium, rather than walking from one end of the platform to the other.
- Both men preached from the text of the Bible. Luke and John. And both used their Bibles.
- There were no props that would provide aid to their sermons and preaching.
- There was a clear presentation of the text. And both use different translations. ESV and NASV.
- As I listened and viewed them preaching, I downloaded their manscripts. I noticed that they were not preaching line by line their manscript. John MacAruthur uses a full outline while preaching.
- And when they finished preaching or teaching they quit.
- John Piper said, "In your bulletin there is a tear off that you can fill out if you want to respond to this message. There was no public invitation given by either.
They both have preached over 20-30 years in their churches. Their messages are online.
I have tried to pattern my understanding of the text and preaching after John MacArthur, (I tease that I have sent him my sermon notes).
- My style is teaching.
- I teach from the New Testament generally, and use a lot of Old Testament references.
- I teach book by book. Presently I am teaching from I Thessalonians and Philippians.
- I use a manuscript and give out outlines from the manuscript.
- I have recorded all my messages. Presently I am not. But will as soon as possible.
- I do wear a tie and suit in both services. (Just like the look)
- I tend to stay behind the podium. (I need to see my notes)
- While I do read from the KJV while preaching, I do use and read from the esv and nasv when explaining the text.
Of course I have written no books. I am not on radio, or TV and my sermons do not appear on the website. But I sure do love preaching and teaching and pastoring a group of people that the Lord has given us.
And I am glad that John Piper and John MacArthur have books, and tapes, and are on the Internet and TV and Radio. Praise the Lord. Listen to them.
Primarily why I like these men is their expositional preaching and teaching. They both are godly men who have proven themselves to be men who love Jesus Christ, and love their position as pastor/teacher of their church.