Pyromaniacs: Spurgeon: Read fewer blogs, more Scripture
Some things never change. There are always some things that can keep us from the Word.
The Word is the Life Line to Jesus Christ.
The principles of the Word are to be in the make up of your soul, mind and heart; they are the blood line of our living.
While today I must admit I don't read as much as I did when I was pastor/teacher, those forty years of reading have become a part of my thinking and life today.
My thinking is Biblical, filled with the principles that have been put there by reading and studying and talking and teaching and writing and learning to apply these principles.
Today Blogging articles keeps me in the Word.
Some people, I have learned, will read books over and over, the same book. If that is true then we can read Ephesians and I Timothy and Revelation over and over.
If you have a mind that is able to remember Matthew and Mark, then you can pull up in your mind those principles that you have read and apply them in your daily life.
But the connection point between Christ and You and the Holy Spirit is the Bible.
"Do you mean God doesn't speak to you?" someone asked me this week. I have never heard the voice of God, that is an experience I might have when I get to Heaven.
"So how do you hear from God?"
What God wants me to know, He has written down in the His Word.
Every thing Jesus Christ wants me to do, and live and act and say He has
already given me instructions. It's in the Word.
What about? It's in there
What about this? It's in there.
But what about....? It's in there.
All that pertains to life and godliness is in the Word.
Some things never change. There are always some things that can keep us from the Word.
The Word is the Life Line to Jesus Christ.
The principles of the Word are to be in the make up of your soul, mind and heart; they are the blood line of our living.
While today I must admit I don't read as much as I did when I was pastor/teacher, those forty years of reading have become a part of my thinking and life today.
My thinking is Biblical, filled with the principles that have been put there by reading and studying and talking and teaching and writing and learning to apply these principles.
Today Blogging articles keeps me in the Word.
Some people, I have learned, will read books over and over, the same book. If that is true then we can read Ephesians and I Timothy and Revelation over and over.
If you have a mind that is able to remember Matthew and Mark, then you can pull up in your mind those principles that you have read and apply them in your daily life.
But the connection point between Christ and You and the Holy Spirit is the Bible.
"Do you mean God doesn't speak to you?" someone asked me this week. I have never heard the voice of God, that is an experience I might have when I get to Heaven.
"So how do you hear from God?"
What God wants me to know, He has written down in the His Word.
Every thing Jesus Christ wants me to do, and live and act and say He has
already given me instructions. It's in the Word.
What about? It's in there
What about this? It's in there.
But what about....? It's in there.
All that pertains to life and godliness is in the Word.