Sunday, February 10, 2008

If you were to see my office at home, you would see over one hundred three ring notebooks that I have filled with articles and notes from my studies of theology, Bible, church growth, sermons, church ministry (children, young adults, Christian education, etc) leadership, church fathers, church history, and down loading books,and sermons by Piper, Edwards, MacArthur, Spurgeon, and Pink, and Puritan writers, and many articles downloaded from many websites and bloggers. And this has happened over the last few years. (2003-07)
My father in law said my problem is, I study so much and have no outlet to give it out to others, and the others don't want to hear what I have to say. Bob just might have a point.
Nevertheless......I refuse to go to bed and sleep. I refuse to stay the same. I refuse to quit learning. I refuse to stay down for the count of ten. I refuse to believe the Lord has called back his calling upon my life at sixty.
Now don't think I think I am a Jeremiah, the prophet, "Lord how long do I have to preach and no one is listening." Most people have no idea what in the world I am talking about here, and really that is good. You don't want to let people know you're discouraged, and hurt, and disappointed. We are proud. We want people to have the impression: everything is just fine.
You go into denial that anything is wrong and before long you are just about dead spiritually.
And for this very reason is why you hear preachers drop off the face of the ministry. his is the reason why men will just quit the ministry, drop out of church, and go into the public life, where there is a much better chance to succeed.
What is the verse, 2 Corinthians 13:4 for He was crucified through weakness, yet He liveth through the power of God. For we also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him through the power of God toward you. I believe this verse speaks to all believers,” that we are armed with the irresistible power of the risen, glorified Christ”(MacArthur’s study notes) And it’s in this power of Christ that we move and think and move
And as I blogged this last week: And this is very personal, this verse, 2 Thess. 2:16 says, "May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work."
  • Don’t shake.
  • Don’t be afraid.
  • Don’t waver.
  • Stand fast.
  • Hang on to the truth, the traditions you were taught --
  • Hold onto everything ever taught.
Charles E. Whisnant

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