Hearing preaching each week should help you grow in your experience as a Believer. If you hear all application of the truth and do not hear the teaching of the truth I believe we fall short of knowing all the truth.
I want people to have an intellectual deep knowledge of theology. I believe the more you know about God the better equip you are in knowing how God want you to live for Him.
The goal of teaching the scripture verse by verse (called expositional or expository teaching) is to help people know God's mind that He wants us to know about Him.
My goal for teaching Romans and Philippians and Proverbs each week is to help us know Jesus Christ. To help us know how Christ wants us to be like Him.
I want to teach what the Scripture is teaching. I really do try to say what the Scripture is saying, rather than what I would say.
Too much of our actions are based on subjective feelings and experiences rather than Biblical truth/teaching. I personally believe the more truth we can learn from the Scripture the more our minds will reflect the truth of God's word rather than our feelings and experiences. When we can put our belief and faith on the Biblical truth we can act upon them better.
One of our church members this last Sunday said "You know for the first time I believe I understand it, and now I need to live it." I was speaking from Romans 6:1 and 2. What does it mean to be Dead To Sin? This is the kind of result you want in your preaching/teaching.
Simply telling people how to live by telling stories generally is not the best way to teach. Helping them understand the principles of God's Word works better.