Showing posts with label Sociology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sociology. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2014

Understanding from the social position how people shape their behavior and belief

Socialiology cloud

  • What gives social life a sense of stability & order?
  • How does social change & development come about?
  • What is the nature of the relationship between the individual and the society in which they live?
  • To what extent does the society into which people are born shape their beliefs, behaviour, & life chances (including health outcomes)?
Sociology, in pursuing an objective scientific approach to answering the questions posed above, attempts to explain why social life is not a random series of events, but is structured and shaped by particular sets of rules (both obvious & hidden). This is not to say that social structures determine human behaviour, rather that social structure is both the ever-present condition for, and reproduced outcome of, intentional human agency or actions.
Well I was just reading this article. We heard this week that a social worker said, “They are going to have to get out of their environment and move to another place if they are going to get well.”  Interesting comment. 
I was reading in this article this comment:
  • This theoretical perspective stresses the essential stability and cooperation within modern societies. Social events are explained by reference to the functions they perform in enabling continuity within society. Society itself is likened to a biological organism in that the whole is seen to be made up of interconnected and integrated parts; this integration is the result of a general consensus on core values and norms. Through the process of socialisation we learn these rules of society which are translated into roles. Thus, consensus is apparently achieved through the structuring of human behaviour.
That is a interesting statement  in that there is a reason why we behave like we do. Do we reflect our society that we live in?  Those in the South, the Midwest, the East, etc. ?
Can we say we reflect the group that we are in? Do we look alike in the family that we are in.?
. Talcott Parsons, the leading figure within this sociological tradition, identified illness as a social phenomenon rather than as a purely physical condition. Health, as against illness, being defined as:
  • 'The state of optimum capacity of an individual for the effective performance of the roles and tasks for which s/he has been socialised.' Parsons, 1951

     The question that I am ask today, why do people respond the way the do in the group they are in?  Why do two people in the same family act and believe different?  

    How do we develop our thinking and act ON OUR BELIEF?

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