Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts

Thursday, July 24, 2008



  1. · Fundamentalists remained united in their separatist stance against modernists until the 1940s. The term "New Evangelicals" was first used by Harold Ockenga in the late 1940's to refer to himself and a splinter group of fundamentalists. Before this time the term "Evangelical" could be applied to a fundamentalist. But within the fundamentalist movement there were those who thought ecclesiastical (church) separation was wrong. Instead of Bible Believers separating from modernist churches, they proposed a new strategy of "infiltration". The attempt was a miserable failure, for in the past 50 years almost all the churches which took on the "infiltration" approach with the modernist churches have themselves become modernist churches. Unfortunately this includes a large number of the mainline Protestant Churches like the Methodists, Presbyterians and Lutherans and Anglicans.
  2. · So today, Fundamentalists not only must separate from modernist(Apostate) churches, they also must separate from former fundamentalist churches(New Evangelical) that now intermingle with Modernist churches.
  3. · Another type of separation among Christian Churches is one based upon differences in interpretation and application of the Scriptures. This refers to separation that is among Bible preaching, Gospel preaching churches. The differences here are not ones in the Gospel, but ones that deal with things like church structure, baptism and prophetical view points.
  4. · It is an undeniable fact that many mainline Protestant Churches which once preached the Gospel do not do so any more today because of the effects of modernism and more recently New Evangelicalism. Their churches are no more than glorified social clubs. Having said that, there are bastions of conservative, Bible believing Christians still among these churches. The Lutherans, Presbyterians and Methodists are just some of these groups that while larges portions of their denominations have stopped preaching the Gospel, they continue to remain faithful. It is a mistake and an error for some Baptist preachers to stand up in their pulpits and proclaim that only the Baptists now teach the true Gospel. There are still faithful remnants left in some of the other Christian denominations.
  5. · These differences though among Bible believing Christian denominations, cannot be ignored. For instance, ABC Baptist Church cannot send out Missionaries with ABC Lutheran church down the street (even if they are conservative Bible believing Christians) because of differences in how we would teach church structure and Baptism as well as some other things. The scriptures tells us "Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?"(Amos 3:3)
  6. · Romans 16:17(NIV)"17I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them." Paul teaches us to "Keep away" from those who teach things "contrary to the teaching you have learned.". Some have tried to say Paul is only speaking of the Gospel here. But it is much more than that, or else he would have said the Gospel as he clearly did on other occasions. He is speaking of all the doctrines he delivered. This means if someone teaches a doctrine that we do not see in scripture although they may be correct on other things we must not join in with them by doing things such as exchanging pulpits or doing cooperative evangelism.
  7. · Take for instance infant baptism, this is something that we as Baptists believe is "contrary" to the teachings of the New Testament. Therefore we cannot engage in cooperative evangelistic activities with the Presbyterians or Lutherans down the street even if they are preaching the true Gospel.

PHOTO: From Bible Bapist Semiary in 1968. There are some good fellows in this photo.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dad and Mom had been on the radio for several years before. I have a Newsletter from 1944 in which mom was the Editor. I will try to take a pix. One of these days I hope to get a scanner.
I under stand I was popular with the listeners. I have heard from several people that they had a copy of this postcard. Mom was twenty-four years old I believe, and dad was fourty-two I believe.
Dad was pastor of the Ward Street Baptist Church in Lynchburg, and later the Park Ave Baptist Church in Lynchburg. Mom played the piano, and was a wonderful soloist, I understand. I do know when I got older I thought she was very good.
Everette T. Whisnant, and Pauline Greene Whisnant and Charles E. Whisnant

Monday, February 25, 2008

This picture of my brother Don and my self and Mom and Dad was taken in 1948. I am on the left. Don on the right. I believe Dad was pastoring in Lynchburg, Virginia. Those days I don't remember. My sister Ellen is researching some of the history in those days.
I am finally learning how to use the Kodak M753 that my kids gave us for my 60th birthday. It occured to me last night to take some pictures of Dad and Mom and then post them on the blog. This was a challenge but as you can see I have accomplish this task. This could be good.

Thursday, February 21, 2008



I wish I could put a picture of my dad on this blog. Maybe when I can get the right equipment I can. Forty-two years ago in Roanoke, Virgiana dad died of several heart attacks. He was the pastor of the same church in Roanoke since 1950. Orange Ave, Williamsroad, Victory, then Roanoke Baptist Temple. Plus he was pastoring several others churches that was out in other areas. .


Later I will write more about dad, I need to get some of the facts. Ellen is helping me do this to Ellen is working on Dad's and Momministry background.


My brother Don e mail me tonight to affirm the date dad died. This led me to the google search. I end on the Raymond Whisnant'S Whisnant Surname Center. The search was on again. I had done this last year.


This time I was looking for information about dad. His dad Lloyd Polycarp Whisnant, and mom Minnie Caroline Abernethy, our grandparents. Dad had two brothers, William Murphy Whisnant who passed away, and Uncle Joe E. Whisnant, who is living in Maryville, TN, and a sister Nellie Whisnant who passed away in 1997, she was 88.


Nellie had a daughter June. I wanted to track her down, as it were. So I search the web. Scarry that you can do that. I was able to find her married name and found the phone number and called her. Well I had never talked to her, ever, she is 82 years old. Isn't that sad. She and her husband live in TN. In our talk she said she had visited Joe Whisnant, this week.


So I hung up and found Uncle Joe number and called him. Uncle Joe is 82 years old but sounds like he is 50. We had a very nice visit on the phone. He and Jean have five children. Dwight, Lewis, Linda, Carol and Glen. Whom I haven't seen in forty years. Isn't that sad. When we were young kids we had come good times at the Whisnant / Abernethy dinners. Charity and I did visit Uncle Joe in Maryville, years ago. Goodness, that is really sad. But Uncle Joe keeps up with us by sending us his yearly Christmas Cards. I still remember th Christmas gifts he sent when we were babies.


There are good number of Whisnant's in this country, and the sad reality I don't see or know only a hand full of them. Thanks to Raymond, we are able to at least keep up with them by his web site.


I would love to link up with them via the Web or E mail. It would be nice to have a web site with email's, web sites, blogs, address, of the Whisnant's family.


Hope you and your family are doing well. If any of the Whisnant's would like to give me their e mail I would love to write you a note.


The picture of dad years before he died. I am not sure how old he was!


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