Showing posts with label Church Ministry Passed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church Ministry Passed. Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2013

Youth Class in 1967 Baptist Tabernacle Danville, VA

Dad was a pastor in Roanoke Va, and my favorite church was the Baptist Tabernacle in Danville, Va. 

Dad and family made a lot of trips to the church. Then when Dad died in 1966 R.J. Bob Barber Jr. ask my mother to come to Danville to work with him as his secretary.  We moved to Danville in late 1966.

The following year 1967 I was in Bible Baptist Seminary in Arlington TX, at the end of the school year I went back to Danville, and was ask to work at Southall Baptist Church.  Then later I went to Baptist Tabernacle. When I went back to school, my brother Don was a teacher in the class.

Today after all these years I Google these churches and was glad to discover some information about those churches.

Youth Pastor in 1967 at Southall Baptist Danville, VA. Currenty is

Westover Christian Academy is a non-denominational Christian school in Danville, Virginia.
It began operations in 1979 as Southall Christian School. Southall was located at 502 Southampton Ave. on the south side of Danville. Founded on location of Southall Baptist Church, it started as a primary school with the plan to add a grade each year. It graduated its first class in 1986. The class consisted of six students. It continued operations until Southall Baptist merged with Lynn Haven Baptist and moved the school into a newer and more modern facility on the north side of town. The new church, Westover Baptist, and school, Westover Christian Academy took their name from the area of town it was located. It recently graduated 29 students in 2009.

On September 5, 1993, a wonderful event took place in Danville, Virginia. Two churches (Southall Baptist and Lynn Haven Baptist) joined together to form Westover Baptist Church. This merger
included 235 charter members. Dr. Doug Barber, pastor of Southall Baptist, became the senior pastor and Rev. Robert Vermillion,
pastor of Lynn Haven Baptist became the co-pastor. Thus began the history of an exciting ministry.  Many special activities have taken place since that time to continue this spirit of unity.

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