Showing posts with label House (new). Show all posts
Showing posts with label House (new). Show all posts

Monday, February 03, 2014

Snow February 03 2013


Friday, September 27, 2013

Update on activites

We have a very nice living space here at the house

At Krogers I found this  great Hot Wheel
The U.S.S. ENTERPRISE ncc-2701

Our beautiful daughter Becky who is in training in South Caroline

I was at Union Mills this week testing out some new doughnuts

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

Landscapting Update

Charity is in charge of the two decks and the flowers, that is not what I can do. But Charity is great

I want to make steps going down the hill. This is the second attempt, but not finish yet.

This is the project that I did 05 30 and Charity put in the flowers. We dug the hold and she planted them.  We went and picked up a scop of good soil dirt to plant the flowers.

Today's project was this tree.  I cleaned out the rocks that were in the ground and placed them around the tree, and finished using the dirt we bought.

These three trees are in the up coming project. I am trying to figure out what to do?
This project is going good. The three trees in the back are what Charity likes

A closer look at the project we did yesterday.
This view is looking down to the bottom of the property

Friday, May 24, 2013

Landscapting Update Project by Charles e Whisnant

 Today May 24, 2013:  Looking at the property on the left side of the house. Cut the grass and worked on the trees in the background.

 This morning I bought four  8 foot fence post, nine bags of mulch and yesterday 9 pages of rocks.  This  project was to cover up the space that I had burned the trees limbs, etc.  I put bags of mulch, then placed the fence post around the mulch. Then I put the rocks  to the right, after I dug a little in to the ground to keep the rocks in.  I have never in my life done this.
 The property is on a hill.  From top to the bottom of the hill is 70 feet, Then you are at the bottom but not at the end of the property. Maybe another 20 feet or 30 feet.  To walk down the hill I use my golf shoes.  What I thought I would do is to see if I could put some steps in.  Never done this before either.  So from the top of the hill which is in our back yard.  I used some old tiles.  I don't know if they will work but we will try.  I hope to put up a walking rail to hold on to.
This is another spot where I burnt leaves and limbs. So I put some mulch to cover it up.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Beaver Story

 This last fall I encountered some beavers  trying to cut down some tress. Well little trees would be okay, but the big ones just had to stop.  I made several attempts in trying to stop them, but was not able to.  They did get a few little trees, but then they started on a big one.  That had to stop. 
This photo above is not the beaver I saw, its one I found on Google Image. But if I find this little fellow I am going to make a trophy out of him, if possible.

 The beaver might have cut down this tree but could not move it.  He was not as strong has  he might have thought he was.

Early this spring or late winter, the beavers were up to no good in trying to take down a good tree,. I need a photo of the beavers work. But  here I covered up the tree and the beavers left.If you will look    closely in the center of the photo a tree that is rapped  with  a paste cover around the tree. Yes this worked, the beaver left it along.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Working on home property

 The upper property: The project was to clear all the brush from between the trees.
 The brush to the right is the pile of brush from the the first photo trees.  and then clearing out brush around the trees just below.
 This is the section of trees on the top end of the property where I am trying to clear out the brush around the trees.
This is at the lower end of the prophert next to Debbie and show the back of the property where I have worked on clearing out.

This is at the start of the property next to Debbie can cleared out around the trees.
This was done on May 09, 2013.

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