Showing posts with label John 3:16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John 3:16. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2020

John 3:16

John 3:16
For God
So love the world
That He gave
His only begotton Son
That whosoever
In Him
should not perish
but have eternal life

Interpreting the Bible Responsibly

Now here is how it happens: every time I talk about the doctrine of Election, the first verse that gets thrown up to me is how about John 3:16.

"What about John 3:16?"  And I would say what about John 3:16 I would say? 

"For God so love the the world that of the verse. 

  • And they  would unline whosoever five times. and whosoever believe will have everlasting life?" they will read.

  • "And".... I would say:

  • They say "well that means everyone has the moral power to choose Jesus and anybody who choose Jesus out of that moral power will be saved."
I look at John 3:16 and I can't find that. Where is that in that verse?

"Well it is obvious?" 

 Well no it isn't.

 You are drawing an inference (a conclusion reached on the basis of your reasoning, or you are inferring something on the text that is not there, or stated)

  • "No what the verse states explicit (stated clearly and in detail. leaving no room for confusion or doubt) all who do A will not receive B and will receive C."

  • "All who believe will not perish."
  •  All who are in the category will not be included in the category of those who will perish. But will be included in the category who participate or share will have eternal life.

That is what the text teaches explicity.  It tell us what happens to those who believe as oppose to those who do not believe.

Now what does the verse  say to those who have the moral power to believe?

  • Do I need to translate that? Nothing.
 What does the Bible say explicity about man's natural ability to incline himself to believe and do the things of God.

What does the Lord say explicity?

  •  "No man (universal nagative) can come to Me unless it is given to him by the Father." John 6:44.
  •   "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father." (esv)
Does the Bible teach that in our fallen condition man have the natural ability in his own power to bring himself to Christ? To choose Jesus when we want to.?

  •  No it doesn't.
  • The Lord Jesus Christ said. we do not have the natural ability, none of has, unless God meets the necessary conditions for us to be able to respond to the Gospel.
  • That is what the Bible tells us explicity, (fully and clearly expressed and is demonstrated; leaving nothing mrerly implied. ) about our moral ability.

But that explicit teaching that Jesus gives in John 6 is trumped by an implication drawn (the conclusion that can be drawn from a verse although it is not explicity stated.) from John 3. Same author who said in John 6 only God can grant salvation .

Do not interpret the explicit by your inplicit. But you interpret  the implication by what is explicit stated.

  • Luther said'  You intereprete the obscure with the clear, not the clear with the obscure."
"No man can come unto me."  

  • Unless the fields had been hpdrepared it was in vain to sow the seed. No effort on the sower's part could make them receptive.

  • The fact that they believed not, declared that their hearts were not prepared, but did not affect the goodness of the seed.

  • This defection did not surprise Him,s he ad alread used words whicdh anticipated it. (John 6:37, 44.)

  • The soul of man the flesh is of no value, so without the quickening Spirit of God all forms of religion are dead and worthless.
"except it were given him." John 6:65

  •  "Plainly showing that by the Father's "drawing" (John 6:44) was meant an internal and efficacious operation, for in recalling the statement here He says, it must be "given to a man to come" to Christ. "
"that no man can come to me, except it be given him by my Father"

  • 'Which is the same, as to be drawn by the Father; for faith in Christ is the gift of God, and coming to Him, is owing to efficacious grace, and is not the produce of man's power and free will." John Gill.

  • "Because many of you believe not, and therefore, though there is in them the outward appearance of 
  •  discipleship, they lack the inward divine preparation. "  Myers.

  • "All that brings men to Christ is the Father's gift." John 6;65
  • "Therefore" (better to say:, "for this cause." (John 12:18; John 12;27) John 5:15; John 5:18; John 7:22 and John 8:47.
  • "Given"  by the drawing of grace.

Christ has come completely round to the fundamental principles with which he sated.

  • The coming to Him, the believing on Him, the spiritual apprehension of His Divine humanity, the adoring acceptance of His precious blood, the reception of the spiritual life-giving energy which went forth from Him in word, depended on the Father's "drawing" - on those fundamentnal characteristics of appetite and capacity to receive the grace of Chdrist which are subjective and are referrible to the Father's good pleasure.

  • Christ does not give the hunger, but the bread.  From the beginning He saw the presence of the appetite after that which He came to bestow.

  • Sometimes a morbid cessation of all hunger, a moribund cessation of thirst, may be and is transformed into passionate and life-saving eagerness by The sight of food.

  • The Father gives both the hunger and the food, the sense of need and the heavenly supply.
  • The love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, is ethe drawing of the Father through the Son to Himself.
  • The drawing of the Father is the giving of souls to the Son:  A fresh thought is here added, This drawing, thus interpreted, is God's gift also to the human soul.

Monday, April 06, 2009

John 3:16 Notes and Video Coming

Bob Temple and Johnny Edwards Singing from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

Rivers of Joy Baptist Church Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant
April 05, 2009

Verse 16. For God so loved, &c. -- What proclamation of the Gospel has been so oft on the lips of missionaries and preachers in every age since it was first uttered? What has sent such thrilling sensations through millions of mankind? What has been honored to bring such multitudes to the feet of Christ? What to kindle in the cold and selfish breasts of mortals the fires of self-sacrificing love to mankind, as these words of transparent simplicity, yet overpowering majesty? The picture embraces several distinct compartments: "THE WORLD" -- in its widest sense -- ready "to perish"; the immense "LOVE OF GOD" to that perishing world, measurable only, and conceivable only, by the gift which it drew forth from Him; THE GIFT itself -- "He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son," or, in the language of Paul, "spared not His own Son" (Ro 8:32), or in that addressed to Abraham when ready to offer Isaac on the altar, "withheld not His Son, His only Son, whom He loved" (Ge 22:16); the FRUIT of this stupendous gift -- not only deliverance from impending "perdition," but the bestowal of everlasting life; the MODE in which all takes effect -- by "believing" on the Son. How would Nicodemus' narrow Judaism become invisible in the blaze of this Sun of righteousness seen rising on "the world" with healing in His wings! (Mal 4:2).—Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

We know what God gives: “His only begotten Son.”
1, Defines Christ’s eternal relationship.“Son” has the meaning of relationship. Christ’s Sonship is a relationship within the Godhead.

“Begotten” “unique, only one of its kind) : to produce especially as an effect or outgrowth

· the meaning of the word μονογενής (monogenes) The meaning is, the son is the only offspring of the parent, not the only existing person of his kind. The Greek word μονογενής is an adjective compounded of μονος "only" and γενος "species, race, family, offspring, kind." In usage, with few exceptions it refers to an only son or daughter. In John's Gospel and First Epistle the same words and concepts are used to describe the special relationship of Jesus to God.
· Jesus had always been, so couldn't become. His Sonship was natural (an affirmation of His deity or 'God' nature).
· This relationship is referred to as 'anthropomorphic', where the God nature is represented in human terms and characteristics.
· The term is seen in the term 'son' the idea of likeness and sameness of nature and equality of being.
· Jesus never became, but IS. 'IS' in terms of His eternity; His sameness with the Father but as two forms of presentation; His Godness; His identical, indivisible monadic, (single cell) begotten Deity; both within Each Other as an inherent dwelling as both Brightness and Light, as the Father is to the Son and as the Son is to the Father. Jesus is
· truly the "only-begotten Son" and true God; both the Son of God and God the Son.

Jesus was neither a descendant of God nor a descendant of man. HE IS GOD. Isaiah 9:6.

· The way whereby, or manner by which God became incarnated. God was manifest in the flesh.
· We believe that God always manifests Himself through the Second Person of the Trinity, hence, God manifest in the flesh is called the SON OF GOD.
· The Spirit of God formed within Mary a body through which God took a human nature in the union with His Divine personality.
· In nature He was God-man, in personality He was God.
o We do not have three God’s but one God who is a unity in Trinity.
· The Father alone is not God
o The Son alone is not God.
The Spirit alone is not God. But all three constitute God.
· 9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Col 2:8-9 (KJV)
· of the Godhead -- The Greek (theotes) means the ESSENCE and NATURE of the Godhead, not merely the divine perfections and attributes of Divinity (Greek, "theiotes"). He, as man, was not merely God-like, but in the fullest sense, God

Jesus was announced to Mary as the Son of God. Luke 1:35

Jesus was announced to Mary as Saviour. Luke 1:31, Mt 1:21 I Timothy 2:5-6

The Lord Jesus was not the Son of God by His miraculous conception. He was the Son of God before that human birth Psalms 2

Jesus did not become the Son of God by being sent, but because He was the Son of God he as sent. John 10:36.


· Angels are called sons of God, by creation
· Adam was called a son of God, by creation
· Believers are called sons of God by regeneration.
· Jesus Christ was a Son in eternity
Jesus was THE Son, not A SON.


This gift is the Son of God. No other son would do
Only God could have been the Son.

Any other son would otherwise have had to have a Savior.

SIN requires a victim since God is just. “Where is the Lamb? Asked Isaac. God will provide Himself as a lamb.


· AS SOON as sin entered into the world God declared His purpose to send a Redeemer. Gen 3:15.
· I John 4:1214 The Father sent His Son to be a Savior of the world.
· Galatians 4:4-6 we are told God sent forth His son to redeem Romans 8:32


· “Mine Hour” seven times.
· That hour is the hour of His death
o It was for the sake of that hour that Jesus Christ left the bosom of the Father for the womb of the virgin.
o It was this hour that gave value to the blood of the Passover lamb.
o Psalms 22 is pictured of that hour.
o All the prophecies, types, shadows, symbols, met at the cross in that hour.
o That hour when the new covenant was sealed and our salvation secured in the blood of the Son of God.

· John 3:16 and John 1:12


i first preached this series in 1972 at Madison Baptist Church, in Minford Ohio, and then in 1992 I used this series at the First Baptist Church in Altoona, Kansas, then April 2009 at the Rivers of Joy Baptist Church in Minford Ohio.

And the understanding that I thought I had in 1972 and 1990 pale's in view of what I understand in 2009.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

JULY 10, 2008 GOOD MORNING and JOHN 3:16

EARLY THIS MORNING AROUND 2 a.m. my mind was awaken with some thoughts and I couldn't get back to sleep. So I got up around 3 a.m. Then I was thinking about that verse John 3:16. I spend a lot of time thinking about God's wonderful grace, and his gift of salvation and eternal life. They are both the same, salvation and eternal life.

Had to made come coffee.


  • "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'

Most people read the scriptures and read what they see, and they naturally believe what they are reading.

When I enter into a discussion about this matter of salvation, and I mention that God is the sole reason why a person is able to come to salvation, the person will say, "What about John 3:16?"

I will say "What about John 3:16, what does it say?" And they will say, "Whosoever believes in Him shall be saved." Right.

It's a very common tradition to turn to this verse to argue the point, that everyone can be saved, if they by faith believe in Christ. They say "God can't elect certain ones to salvation because John 3:16 tells us each person has the ability to believe - God gave His Son so that WHOEVER believes would have eternal life." Then they will say, "Therefore, God has done His part in the matter of offering the gift of salvation in His Son and just leaves it up to everyone to receive the gift through faith. Amen. The matter is closed!" Or is it?

So does John 3:16 tell us that this is the real case! God has done His part, and it's up to everyone else to make the decision if they are going to receive the gift that God has offered?

I will let you get a cup of coffee and sit down, and we will address this verse John 3:16 and see what the verse is really saying.......... (I believe that everyone that believes by faith in Christ can and will be saved).

As you know, I love the scriptures, and I love to know what each verse is saying in its context. As you also know, I believe the Word of God in its orginial writtings are totally correct without error.
Sometimes in the translation from Greek to English there are a few words that are hard to translate. So sometimes the translaters had to do the best they could to get the right meaning for the word.
Here is how John 3:16 would read from the Greek it its transliteration. That is John 3:16 was written in Greek, and here is how it would read in that form.
  • "Thus for loved God the world that the Son his the only begotten he gave, that everyone they believing on him not many perish, but may have life eternal."

Isn't that interesting. Here I thought that John 3:16 written orgininal in English. And I believe every thought that is in John 3:16.

John 3:16 was the verse that the preacher read to me at age seven when I was saved. So John 3:16 means a lot to me.

Well from this morning to now its 10:15 p.m I am going to stop here and pick up tomorrow on this subject.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008



Biblical Separation vs. Personal Separation

"There are still significant differences between fundamentalists and evangelicals, even the conservative evangelicals." And I believe it has to do with Separation.

(so say a few fundamentalists)

I am also learning there are several different branches of

Independent Baptist Fundamentalist

There is the Bob Jones fundamentalist, there is the J.F. Norris fundamentalist, there is the post Bob Jones and J.F. Norris fundamentalist, and there is the Lee Roberson, Tom Malone and WBF, BBF, Jack Hyles, and who knows how many others that I am not familiar with. There are as many brands of fundamentalist as there are teams in the Major Baseball League.


  1. You might say you are a fundamentalist but you need to be a Baptist.
  2. You might say you are a fundamentalist but you need to be the right kind of Baptist?
  3. You might say you are a fundamentalist but you need to understand Biblical Separation
  4. You might say you are a fundamentalist but you need to know the five original points of fundamentalist (no not the five points of Calvinism)

  5. You might be a fundamentalist if you do not fellowship with Evangelicals.

  6. You might be a fundamentalist if you use terms like "Soul Winning" "KJV1611 only"
  7. You might be a fundamentalist, but you can't also be Reformed, Covenant in Theology.
  8. You might be a fundamentalist, but you need to be a dispensationalist.\\
  9. You might be a fundamentalist, but you need to preach the Gospel, give an invitation, and preach separation.
  10. You might be a fundamentalist, but you have to practice Biblical Separation, and separate from any body who is not a fundamentalist your style.

I can say I am a Fundamentalist, if I want to. I can say I am a Baptist if I want too, and I can say I am a Calvinist Baptist Evangelical Fundamentalist Reformed Dispensationalist if I so desire. I know what I think I believe. And I might still be viewed by other Fundamentalist as a non fundamentalist.


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