Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Creation Is It Important Genesis 1 t o3

(click on the photo)

I begin a study of Genesis one thru three at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church following my study of John MacArthur's work on this subject. What took him about three months the series took me a year.

Sadly, it is a foundation that is being systematically undermined by the very institutions that should be most vigorously defending it. More and more Christian educational institutions, apologists, and theologians are abandoning faith in the literal truth of Genesis 1-3.

I recall reading a survey a few years ago which revealed that in one of America's leading evangelical accrediting associations, whose membership boasted scores of evangelical Bible colleges and universities, only five or six college-level schools remain solidly opposed to the old-earth view of creation. The rest are open to a reinterpretation of Genesis 1-3 that accommodates evolutionary theories.

Scores of well-known Bible teachers and apologists see the whole question as moot, and some even aggressively argue that a literal approach to Genesis is detrimental to the credibility of Christianity. They have given up the battle--or worse, joined the attack against biblical creationism.

I'm thankful for those who are still faithfully resisting the trend--organizations like Answers in Genesis, the Creation Research Society, and the Institute for Creation Research. These organizations and others like them involve many expert scientists who challenge the presuppositions of evolutionists on technical and scientific grounds. They clearly demonstrate that scientific proficiency is not incompatible with faith in the literal truth of Scripture--and that the battle for the beginning is ultimately a battle between two mutually exclusive faiths--faith in Scripture versus faith in anti-theistic hypotheses. It is not really a battle between science and the Bible.

As Christians, we believe the Bible is truth revealed to us by God, who is the true Creator of the universe. That belief is the basic foundation of all genuine Christianity. It is utterly incompatible with the speculative presuppositions of the naturalists.

In Scripture the Creator Himself has revealed to us everything essential for life and godliness. And it starts with an account of creation. If the biblical creation account is in any degree unreliable, the rest of Scripture stands on a shaky foundation.

But the foundation is not shaky. The more I understand what God has revealed to us about our origin, the more I see clearly that the foundation stands firm. I agree with those who say it is time for the people of God to take a fresh look at the biblical account of creation. But I disagree with those who think that calls for any degree of capitulation to the transient theories of naturalism. Only an honest look at Scripture, with sound principles of hermeneutics, will yield the right understanding of the creation and fall of our race.

The Bible gives a clear and cogent account of the beginnings of the cosmos and humanity. There is absolutely no reason for an intelligent mind to balk at accepting it as a literal account of the origin of our universe. Although the biblical account clashes at many points with naturalistic and evolutionary hypotheses, it is not in conflict with a single scientific fact. Indeed, all the geological, astronomical, and scientific data can be easily reconciled with the biblical account. The conflict is not between science and Scripture, but between the biblicist's confident faith and the naturalist's willful skepticism.

To many, having been indoctrinated in schools where the line between hypothesis and fact is systematically and deliberately being blurred, that may sound naive or unsophisticated, but it is nonetheless a fact. Again, science has never disproved one word of Scripture, and it never will. On the other hand, evolutionary theory has always been in conflict with Scripture and always will be. But the notion that the universe evolved through a series of natural processes remains an unproven and untestable hypothesis, and therefore it is not "science." There is no proof whatsoever that the universe evolved naturally. Evolution is a mere theory--and a questionable, constantly-changing one at that. Ultimately, if accepted at all, it must be taken by sheer faith.

How much better to base our faith on the sure foundation of God's Word! There is no ground of knowledge equal to or superior to Scripture. Unlike scientific theory, it is eternally unchanging. Unlike the opinions of man, its truth is revealed by the Creator Himself! It is not, as many suppose, at odds with science. True science has always affirmed the teaching of Scripture. Archaeology, for instance, has demonstrated the truthfulness of the biblical record time and time again. Wherever Scripture's record of history may be examined and either proved or disproved by archaeological evidence or reliable independent documentary evidence, the biblical record has always been verified. There is no valid reason whatsoever to doubt or distrust the biblical record of creation, and there is certainly no need to adjust the biblical account to try to make it fit the latest fads in evolutionary theory.
Again, a biblical understanding of the creation and fall of humanity e
stablishes the necessary foundation for the Christian world-view. Everything Scripture teaches about sin and redemption assumes the literal truth of the first three chapters of Genesis. If we wobble to any degree on the truth of this passage, we undermine the very foundations of our faith.
If Genesis 1-3 doesn't tell us the truth, why should we believe anything else in the Bible? Without a right understanding of our origin, we have no way to understand anything about our spiritual existence. We cannot know our purpose, and we cannot be certain of our destiny. After all, if God is not the Creator, then maybe He's not the Redeemer either. If we cannot believe the opening chapters of Scripture, how can we be certain of anything the Bible says?

To those who will inevitably complain that such a view is credulous and unsophisticated, my reply is that it is certainly superior to the irrational notion that an ordered and incomprehensibly complex universe sprung by accident from nothingness and emerged by chance into the marvel that it is.

Scripture offers the only accurate explanations that can be found anywhere about how our race began, where our moral sense originated, why we cannot seem to do what our own consciences tells us is right, and how we can be redeemed from this hopeless situation.
Scripture is not merely the best of several possible explanations. It is the Word of God.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010



GENESIS 3:20-24

Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford, Ohio

God by nature is a Savior of sinners.
I Timothy 1:1, 4:10, Titus 1:3-4,

  • To save them from sin,
  • to save them from the consequence of sin,
  • to save them from the power of sin,
  • to save them even from the presence of sin.

God is presented as a Savior: Genesis 3:20-24

  • We find Him being introduced as the Savior
  • We discover here the introduction of His plan of redemption.
  • We hit upon here the indication that He is bringing salvation to sinful people.


From man's side there are essentially two components of salvation: faith and hope.

  • Built into faith is repentance. And a belief in God that God would do what He said He would do.

From God's side two things are necessary: atonement and security.

  • God has to provide a right way for the purpose of being able to give the atonement to cover our sin, and then he has to hold onto us to keep us saved until we get to glory.


  • The salvation of sinners.
  • Their deliverance from sin.
  • Their deliverance from death and hell. By faith and hope.
  • Through divine atonement and security.


  • Genesis 2:21: God provides the means for sin."The Lord God made garments of skins."
  • Atonement is a covering for sinners provides by the death of an innocent substitute.
  • Isaiah 53 gives us the picture of Jesus Christ as the sinners substitute.
  • God had every right to kill Adam and Eve instantaneously, but as Savior, He brings a substitute, slays the substitute and covers the sinners' shame and guilt by the death of a substitute; His judgment, His justice, His wrath being satisfied by the death of the substitute. Which is the purpose of the death of Jesus on the Cross. 2 Corinthians 5:21

So, then, the first element of salvation introduced to us is faith; faith in the fact that God has provided a deliverer. The second element of salvation, faith would be pointless, unless God has provided atonement, and He has. Now the third component, or building block in salvation is:

Salvation requires security: The assurance that salvation will not be taken away.
Vs 22 "Then the Lord God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; now, lest he stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.:

  • Knowing good and evil in that Adam knew it, because he experienced it.
  • Now knowing evil, Adam didn't like it, and would have tried to alleviate its circumstances.
  • Now looking for some way to get out of the mess you have gotten yourself in.
    • The shame, dying, the moral, physical and spiritual consequence.
  • Knowing the impact, how can it be rectify to turn that around? Head toward the tree of life!
  • So, "Eve, we must get back to that tree of life, and we will live. If we eat of the tree of live we will live forever." Adam. Believing they would have counteract the effects of death.

Verse 22 is an introductory clause, but there's no completing clause. It's God just saying,

  • "I know what he's going to do, he is going right to that tree of life, and he's going to reach out, and he's going to say if I can get that tree of life, and eat, it, I'll live for ever, and alleviate the consequences of my sin. Well, God said, I can't let him do that."
  • Verses 23 "Therefore, the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden."


  • The Garden of Eden was still there, the tree of life was still there, paradise was still there. And could have possible being there until the Flood, or long before that died out.

Had Adam and Eve eaten of the tree of life they would have lived forever.

  • The eternal life in the tree of life is not in the botany of the tree. It's not in the chemical of the fruit. Simply by divine decree that tree would gave life.
  • Had they eaten of the tree, they would have lived forever. Only one problem!
    • They would have lived forever as wicked, depraved, fallen sinners. That's not good.
  • God has something much better. "Just go and die and I'll raise you in a new kind of life without sin." Good right? Right.
  • If they had eaten of the tree of life, they would have sentenced themselves to the most gruesome kind of living.
  • They had seen death. Remember? God had killed the animal. And they didn't want that.
  • Death would have been a just punishment, God could have said, "Go ahead, and sentence yourself to a hell of uninterrupted, eternal wretchedness.

BUT GOD… He wouldn't do that? YOU KNOW WHY?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Creation What A Wonderful Designer in God

Creation of God's Universe Is So Wonderful.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Rivers of Joy Baptist Church
Minford, Ohio
Since March 11, 2009 we have been studying God's creation and Genesis chapter one, two and three. What a great study. Notes and outlines and video of the messages are on this website and my other websites.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Did God Create Evil and Sin?

When I began this series from Genesis back in Februay, I didn't know I would be still teaching in the series in November. But I am known for long series.


"Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ." The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand. "You're a Christian, aren't ou son."

"Yes sir."

"So you believe in God?"
"Is God good?"
"Sure! God's good."

"Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything."

"Are you good or evil?"
"The Bible says I'm evil."

The professor grins knowingly "Ahh! THE BIBLE!" He considers for a moment. "Here's one for you. Let's say there is a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help them? Would you try?"
"Yes sir, I would."

"So you're good...!"
"I would say that."

"Why not say that? You would help a sick and maimed person if you fact most of us would if we could..... God doesn't."

(No Answer)

Well that is not the end of the talk between the professor and student, but you get the point.

The truth is, if you don't understand Genesis 3 you might not understand the rest of the Bible.

  • You can not know the solution to the problem, unless you know what the problem is.
  • You can not know the cure unless you know the right diagnosis.
  • You will never be able to know God's remedy for this world, if you don't know and understand the difficulty wunder which this world lives and functions.

Well I am well into this study and much has been said about this matter of evil and sin and how all went wrong after God had made a perfect universe and world, and earth, and man and woman.

After teaching six months on God's creation of the world, so perfect, then to have to spent another few months on how the devil destroyed this who world and everyone in it. How can that have happen?

How was it that every think was "very good," at the end of Genesis 1 and then we come to chapter three and every thing we wrong?

What went wrong. It's like man has fallen from heaven without a parachute, and he sinking at a speed toward hell with nothing to stop him.

What happen in Genesis 3:1-7?

Sin entered into the world for the first time.

Satan entered into the Garden of Eden. And the devil has not left mankind along since then.

Everything wrong is because of sin. And any accurate understanding of the way things are in the earth demands an understanding of sin. Without us knowing the events in Genesis three is not going to be a right view of how it is today in our world. Romans 8:21-22

You and I are not the way God inteneded us to be. We have become "slavery to corrupltion."

So how did all this happen? Was it all God's fault? Is God the creator of Evil and Sin?

So you might need to read the outlines and maybe when you have time to listen to the videos on this subject.


The Wrong Choices Led Eve To Sin 5 of 5 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Creation Day Six Outline

The Trinity's Plan Before Creation 1 from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimo

For the Outline (click) This is really cool. From they were nice enought to dowlnoad my outline from Mocrosoft office. You can see it with a full screen. (you need to click the screen again to get back). GROW BY LEARNING FOLKS.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Creation of Day Five Continues

Creation Day Five The Birds from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

July 29 2009, Charles E. Whisnant, continues the lesson on Creation from day five. Part one of the lesson.

  1. When God created the fish and all those mammals and all those animals, whether you're talking about fish or whether you're talking about whales, or whether you're talking about sea-going dinosaurs, or whether you're talking about eels, or whether you're talking about plankton or whatever anywhere in the food chain.
  2. When God created all of that there was no evolutionary process,
    He literally in a moment spoke into existence all the creatures that swim...just instantaneously at the same moment on the same day they call came into existence.
  3. They were not somehow in a process of development as species evolved into other species and mutated into other species.
  4. They were all instantaneously created in massive abundances moving through the seas.

The Large Sea Monster continue from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

Part two from the lesson by Charles e. Whisnant July 29, 2009 at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church. 2 of three.

  • Isaiah 27:1 you have mentions of these sea gods who were so much a part of Canaanitish culture, when the children of Israel went into the land of Canaan, they came across this Canaanite poetry, Canaanite legends about the gods taking on the form of these great sea monsters.
  • So the sea monster then became a picture of the principle of evil, the anti-God evil was sort of personified in the great sea monster, the great dragon of the sea, the great dinosaurs of the sea. A number of verses, as I said then, refer to leviathan, the great sea monster...always seemingly depicted as the great enemies of the true God, implying that they were somehow a super-natural deity or supernatural force that rose up against their creator. That was all in the ancient epics.

The Sea Monster and Reproduction of Life from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

Part three of lesson from Genesis 1:24 Creation Day 5 Charles E. Whisnant, July 29, 2009

If you study the Old Testament you find several Old Testament references to sea creatures. There's Leviathan, remember reading about Leviathan? Leviathan is this massive, massive, powerful sea creature. Job 41:1 God, you know, says to Job, "Where were you?" you know, can you...He says, "Where were you when I created everything?" And then He comes to chapter 41 and He says, "Can you put your hooks in and control leviathan?" And then he goes on to describe this massive beast, can read Job 41:1 yourself and read the characteristics of this beast. I wrote a little note on it. Some have suggested it might be an alligator or a crocodile, but they're not in the sea as such. The best guess is that He's describing some kind of dinosaur, some kind of massive sea-going monster, leviathan.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The series on Creation and Origns.

JULY 22, 2009
GENESIS 1:20-21
20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moved, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Why did bring up great whales or literally sea monsters? Genesis 1: 21 And God created great whales, sea monsters. Hebrew word is tannin
Video of the sermon forth coming.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

11 Things You Might Not Know About Apollo 11

11 Things You Might Not Know About Apollo 11

On Wednesday Night, our Bible Study is on Creation. God was there Proverbs 8 gives us an insight into the wisdom of God, and Christ. Proverbs 8:22-31. The Eternal Eternity of the Godhead.

Apollo Sites Spotted by Lunar Scout

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(July 17) - For stubborn folks who still believe the Apollo astronauts never landed on the moon, NASA has new images — definitive proof — that clearly show the Apollo 11 lander that carried the first astronauts to the lunar surface 40 years ago.
The images were taken by NASA's first lunar scout in more than a decade, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. They show the Eagle lunar lander at Tranquility Base, where Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on July 20, 1969. They were snapped between July 11 and 15 of this month and released by NASA on Friday.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Creation is a Fact Supported by Scripture.

What Have Learned About Creation So Far from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.


  1. God created out of nothiung, without any preexisting material, the heaven and the earth.
  2. This creation happened in a period of one week of normal days about 6000 years.
  3. The entire creation was mature and aged at the instant of its creation.
  4. Death did not exist, nor did any corrupt influences, and the creation was good.
  5. Death and corruption entered the creations for the first time at the Fall of Adam.
  6. Prior to the time Adam and Eve sinned in disobedience of God there was no death.
  7. Science is not a principle for interpreting Genesis or any other passage for that matter.
  8. There's only one source of the account of origins and that is the Bible, the Word of God.
  9. It's hard for people to get a handle on this because science has reigned supreme on the throne of contemporary thinking.
  10. Evolution has been a given. In fact it's become an absolute in our society.
  11. It is a false theory that the sediments that have been building up along the layers of the Grand Canyon to say the earth is a billion of years old.
  12. The occurrence of meteors in sedimentary rock failed to turn up one single case of a meteorite being found anywhere in any geologic column.

Any Appearance of Evolution is Wrong.

I am teaching a series of lessons from Genesis, dealing with Creation verse Evolution. I will post the first part of the message later tonight. Maybe. I have worked on this project all day, off and on. Now I am upload the first part on to

I stand on this position about Creation:

  • Now from that foundation that we have laid in our teaching over the last several weeks, we must bring to a close that any appearance of evolution is a contradiction and a rejection of the apparent revelation of Scripture, and I mean any outline...whether it comes from an atheistic evolutionist like Julian Huxley, or whether it comes from a theistic evolutionist like Hugh Ross, any appearance of evolution is a contradiction and rejection of the comprehensible revelation of Scripture which indicates that somewhere around 6000 years ago God created the entire universe as we know it in six 24-hour days.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So What About God's Universe

Solar System, Milkyway and Beyond - The best video clips are right here

The last few weeks I have address this issue of the Universe.
Wednesday Evenings have been an interesting time of study.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I have always loved to look at the different shapes of clouds.
Genesis 9:13 "set My bow in the clouds.
Exodus 13:21 "in a pillar of clouds.
Exodus 20:21 "So the people stood at a distance, while Moses approached the thick cloud where God was." God is in the clouds.
Psalms 105:39 "He spread a cloud for a covering..." Which seems to say, God can control the clouds for His purpose and will to accomplish His will.

God in His wisdom has made all things in the Universe to be and do at His pleasure. The Universe and all that is in it, was by design and plan.
The universe was spoken into being by the mind of God in a moment. Of course, with God there is no time involved. But as I believe in the six-day creation of earth so was the universe spoken into existence.
In the coming weeks I will attempt to study this matter of the creation of origin of the world, earth, universe and mankind. Why? Because God is and He is the creator of all things in the Universe and beyond. (Is there a beyond the universe?)
Of course I will be reading a lot and taking notes and looking into this matter. I will relate this matter to our adult Bible study group on Wednesday Night's in the month of April 2009.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



I want to deal with this idea of "Chance"? Is it by chance or by designed... This earth that we live in.?

As far as the earth being at the center of things, according to Genesis (which I believe to be a literal account of a 6-day creation), the earth is, in some sense, the center. Maybe not the exact spatial center, but the center in the way a stage is the center of a theater (even though it may or may not be in the exact center of the theater building itself). (Although white hole cosmology, if true, may even demonstrate a certain proximity of earth to the center of the universe.) It’s the center in the way New York may be a “cultural center” in the U.S. while it’s way off in the northeast of the country. It’s the center in the way man was created as the crown of creation and was given authority over it even though he was not the most numerous, powerful, beautiful, or long-lived species. He was given authority because God’s image was placed in him. “The center” may have many different ways it is measured, but the most important one must be in the sense of “where God puts/reveals His presence” (understanding that God is omnipresent, but puts/reveals Himself in all places unequally). E.g., the center of God’s presence was in Israel during the Old Testament. In relation to the wider scope of the universe, the center is Earth. Then go to the video clips. They are really good.

Tonight I download the 39 pages of the web script from the "The Priveleged Planet"\

Here is one quote:

  • "There are many probabilistic resources in the galaxy. But, on the other side of the coin, are all of these factors that you need. You have to get just right in order to have just one habitable planet like tyhe Earth.... and that leads me to conclude that yes, we're rare in the galaxy." Guillermo Gonzales.
But is this correlation between the existence of complex life and our ability to make scientific discoveries simply a coincidence or the result of blind chance? correlation between the existence of complex life and our ability to make scientific discoveries simply a coincidence or the result of blind chance? Or does it point to a deeper explanation?

Monday, September 08, 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

IN THE BEGINNING. . . . . GOD. . . . . .
All things began with God. NOTHING STARTED WITHOUT GOD. Genesis chapter one, two and three are historically and scientifically correct. Literal in every sense of the term. Simply, God and Genesis are true.
  • The Bible is totally correct in every detail, historical and scientific.
  • The origin of the universe began with God, as stated in Genesis..
  • The creation of Planet Earth began with God.
  • The first people on Planet Earth were Adam and Eve.
  • Scripture supports a young earth, not more than 10,000 years old.

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