Start in the back row left to right: Ed Bookhiemer (Jen’s Husband), Aric Lepre (Grandson, Amy’s son), Rob Lepre (Amy’s Husband), Jennifer Bookhiemer (Daughter, Ed’s wife), myself
Middle row left to right: Barbara Myers (Wife), Matt Bookhiemer (Ed & Jen’s son), Joseph Myers (Grandson, Greg’s son), Lauren Myers (Greg’s Wife), Connor Lepre (Grandson, Amy’s son), Amy Lepre (Daughter, Twin Greg)
Front three: Gregory Myers (Son, Twin Amy), Sara Myers (Granddaughter, Greg’s Daughter, Twin Katie), Katie Myers (Granddaughter, Greg's Daughter, Twin Sara)
Amazing Grace How Sweet Our Lord and Saviour Has Been To Us
You hear often in sports: In golf: "The shot of the day." In basketball you hear: "The player of the game." Baseball: "The play of the game."
One family that I have tried over the years to locate has been Al and Barb Myers. And they were able to find me on the World Wide Web.
When my Dad died in February 1966, and after I graduated from high school, Mom was asked to work in Danville, for Bob Barber, Jr. in the Baptist Tabernacle. And in August 1966 I went to Arlington Texas, to attend Bible Baptist Seminary. From that point in time I lost contact with Al and Barb.
Over the years I have often thought of those wonderful days in Roanoke. Where are all our friends that we had become so close with? We did go back several times to preach for Gene Arnold, pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church in Roanoke. Becky Pickeral (Adams) and Jeannie Woods, who went to that church, came to Seminary.
We went back to Roanoke for our 30th High School reunion. Elaine Clay, Dolly Copper, and Wayne Sanders and others were there. We went to the church that dad had pastored, and talked to some of the old members. (This is a story we will need to address later)
But we had not seen Al and Barb. We had lost contact with them by 1967.
We had such a great time in Roanoke. I loved playing football and sports, but most of all I loved being the teacher of the teenagers in our church. I still say after all these years, some of the best memories I have are those days in Roanoke.
Al (Algie in the 60's) lived near us, and he and my brother Donald became best friends, and it seemed that Al was at our house a lot. Where the family went, Al was like a second brother, it seemed he was always going with us. Then he started coming to our youth group, and then when I would go to preach in a church Al and Don would go with me. We had such a great time together, studying the Bible, going to meetings, and going to camp, and preaching. I wish I had a picture of us three together in one of dad's car traveling to North Carolina. I do have a picture of the youth group at camp and a youth outing. (This is a story in itself) Barbara was a good friend with Sandra Richardson (who was my girlfriend for three years). They went to high school together. Al and Barbara were married in 1967, and my sister Ellen was sad about that.
SO NOW IT'S JUNE 2008I get an e mail from Al Myers. Could it be my good buddy of my teenager years? And to my surprise it was. I discovered that Barbara had found GROW BY LEARNING.COM and had signed in on our guest book.
- Hello Oh my gosh, I can't believe we found you. I was searching and found your website. This is Barbara Eakin Myers, married Algie Myers in 1967-we have often wondered where you were. We heard Whisnant's singing on XM radio and contacted them, but they aren't the same family. We have 3 children and 6 Grands. Our oldest are twins, Greg & Amy who are 38 and Jennifer is 33. They are married and live close to us. We are involved in First Baptist Church and Al retired in January from his Civil Service job. Let us hear from you. Al & Barbara Myers (I put in the bold letters)
Now is this not just wonderful? And when Al and Barbara sent the photo of their family, I was just amazed! Isn't that a wonderful family? Isn't God great? What a wonderful shock I received in learning about Al and Barbara. And praise the Lord for their faithfulness in Christ.
Photo used by permission by Al and Barb