Showing posts with label Pornography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pornography. Show all posts

Monday, February 07, 2011


To the World it is a sexual addiction.
In the biblical terms it is SIN.

The Bible to be the infallible Word of God, that it is His holy and inspired Word, and that it is of supreme and final authority.
In one God, eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He led a sinless life, took on Himself all our sins, died and rose again, and is seated at the right hand of the Father as our mediator and advocate.
That all men everywhere are in need of a Savior. God has provided this through His Son Jesus Christ who was killed on a cross and rose three days later.
That Christ rose from the dead and is coming again.
In holy Christian living, and that we must have concern for the hurts and social needs of our fellowmen.

This last Sunday in the Adult Bible Study class I dealt with Mental Illness, is it a Sickness or Sin. I got a little flax over that. I wonder what it would have been if I had attack Porm.

So do preachers have a problem with issue: of course.

In this video you will hear these NFL football players talk about this:

JON Kitna, Josh Mccown, Miles PcPherson, Matt Hasselbeck, and Eric Boles

National Porn Sunday Talk This website deal with this issue:

A TYPICAL RESPONSE TO THOSE WHO WATCH THE VIDEO. I will quote one of the more clean version.

"I just wish people would stop trying to dictate their morals to others. If you don’t like porn then don’t watch it. As long as we do our best to make sure it’s not the children watching it (practically impossible for teenagers but still) then whatever people do in the privacy of their own homes is their own business."


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn Addiction Help


Internet pornography is a $10 billion US business. It has ensnared millions of men and women in addictive, destructive behavior.

I was on this website today (Here) and received this information on pron.

An increasing number of people have been working against the ill effects of pornography both in the wider culture and inside the church. Porn addiction affects millions of people, many of whom don’t appear to have any problem at all. Those individuals live double lives, and often feel unable to talk freely about their battle or their indulgence with pornography. As quiet as it’s kept, many of these people–Christian and non-Christian–are women.

Anne Jackson has filmed a powerful short (4.5 minutes) video about her fight against pornography. It’s a video that will encourage you and perhaps make us all more aware of those who are fighting this sin and need co-warriors. The video was produced for XXXChurch, a ministry dedicated to fighting pornography by helping sufferers on college campuses, in churches, and everywhere. Check it out click on Anne Jackson.

Thank God, and His total grace, to this point, I am free from porn. I keep telling my self Charles you are 62 years old. Anyway, Satan and his followers are out to get anyone. You have to stay alert all the time. With all additions you need to stay focus on Christ

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