Showing posts with label Calvary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calvary. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Reason for Our Salvation? .

God’s Glory and our Salvation
Romans 3:23-24
How a Believer gets blessed? The idea is not self-fulfillment. We know a lot about that, but little about worship and glorifying God. What we see in scripture as a major theme is we do all things for the glory of God. Psalms 115:1 sums up the perspective of a believer in God. If God is God, and He is, He alone is God, and as God He has the right to be glorified as God. Believers are required to.

· Isaiah 45:5-8, 21-23: We are NOT to seek glory ourselves; all is to the GLORY of Jesus Christ.
· 1 Corinthians 10:31: All the daily acts of life are to be for the GLORY of the Father. We are to be lost in the GLORY of Christ.
· 1 Chronicles 16:8-15 Give thanks to the glory of HIS NAME.
· We are to live filled with HOW GOD FEELS -- NOT HOW WE FEEL. Matthew 6:33.
· Psalms 16:8 “I have set the LORD always before me.” What really makes my heart glad?

ü BUT WE ARE EVEN IN OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE STILL ABSORBED IN OUR OWN COMFORT. We do not want to get out of our comfort zone to go out and share the gospel to the world.

ü THE SINGLE GREATEST SPIRITUAL REALITY THAT IS DESIGNED TO GLORIFY GOD (and there are many) IS SALVATION. The saving of a soul lost in the pit of sinful destruction glorifies God.

Philippians 2:5-8 “ Jesus..became obedient unto death even the death of the cross.” Vs. 11 “to the glory of God the Father.” Romans 1:5 “For His Name.”
When you are SAVED? What do you think? Why do you believe you and I were saved? When you think of Heaven what do you think?

The purpose of Paul is to say to us: Salvation is to glorify God.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, All men. SIN:
ü To sin is to act contrary to the will and law of God. Everybody is born into Adam and thus all sinned for when he sinned, for he acted as the representative for all his descendants. Men are not only sinners by nature, but are also sinners by practice and thus continually fall short in committing sin themselves. Thus there is a universal need for the gospel, which is thankfully mercifully universally available!

Glory: 1391
· Is that which gives a proper opinion of something or someone. The glory of God is what God is essentially. The glory of God includes the outward manifestation of His splendor or radiance. It is that which we will one day see forever.

v Isaiah 60:1; Isaiah 40:5; Habakkuk 2:14”For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord; as the waters cover the sea.” Colossians 1:27. John 17:24, Isaiah 40:4-5
Outline of the message by Charles e. Whisnant, October 02, 2010. Video coming soon.

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