Thursday, January 31, 2008

This is a first for me I usually never post a cat and a mouse. But what a day I have had. This picture came from an e mail from my friend Randy Webb. I hope its okay to post this picture.

Also my sister Ellen has been working on my new website. She loves me. Think of that.

A Few Quotes:

"What a man needs is a brother to draw close, minister to him, and help him mature. He needs somebody to demonstrate to him another way to live, modeling a godly marriage, biblical parenthood, and the love of Christ." Steve Sonderman, Effective Men's Ministry

"We cannot control what others do, but we can be renewed each day in our confidence of God's faithful love and care for us and in his unfailing commitment to meet our needs according to his redemptive plan. "

"You prepare a table (of provisions) before me in the presence of my enemies." - Psalm 23:5

Don Loy Whisnant
Well this is short tonight, but some good thoughts. A Cat and mouses! Who would have thought -

Wednesday, January 30, 2008




Ephesians 1:11 tells us this: "God, from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass." In Him we were predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.

R.C. Sproul said this:
  • Were there one maverick molecule out there somewhere apart from the plan of God, we would have no reason to hope in God. That one maverick molecule could be the one detail that defeats God's eternal purpose. "

This is hard to get a grasp of: God is all-powerful, and all of history is merely the outworking of His eternal plan. God not merely created the world, but His eternal power sustains it and continues its existence by the sheer exertion of His will - were God to blink, all would come to an end. God is the First Cause that lies behind all secondary causes. Out of all the billions of ways that God could have planned history, this is the plan Goid chose. God's invisible hand is secretly at work controlling all things.

  1. God controls all of nature: Psa 135:6-7, Mt 5:45 and 6:25-30
  2. God controls angels and Satan: Psa. 103:20-21 and Job 1:12

  3. God controls nations: Ps 47:7-8, Daniel 2:20-21 and 4:34-35

  4. God controls human beings: I Sam 2:6-7 and Gal 1:15-16

  5. God controls animals: Psa 104:21-30

  6. God controls accidents: Proverbs 16:33 and Jonah 1:7 and Matthew 10:29

  7. God controls free acts of men: Exodus 3:21, 12-25-36

  8. God controls sinfuls acts of men and satan: Acts 2:23, 4:27-28


  • The key biblical principle that gives an insight into God's sovereignty is called concurrence. People have plans, which may be good or may be evil, and people are really responsible for the plans they make.
  • God also has a plan, a plan which overruless all other plans.
  • God eternal purposeand humanity's purpose s concur - in other words they take place at the same time.
  • J.I Packer said this: "God's control is absolute in the sense that men do only that which He has ordained that they should do, yet they are truly free agents in the sense that their decisions are their own, and they are morally responsible for them"

Some times it appears that our motives may be impure, even our attempts to thwart God's eternal plan is fact only serve to further it. God's purpose and men's action concer atthe same time.

  • In Acts 1:23 and 4:27-28: God plans the muirder of Jesus, the worst sin in history. God tells us that Christ's murderers were working out His eternal plan, then goes on to say that they will be judged for their actions.

  • In Genesis 45:5 and 50:20, God plans the attempted murder and enslavement of Joseph so that God could eventually rescue millions of people from famine. Joseph tells his brothers that their plan was meant for evil -- "You inteneded to harm me." But God's plan trumped their plan, Joseph explains "But God inteneded it for good to accompllish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

God allows even evil, and the suffering that follows from living in a sin-sickened world. I know this seems ironic, since God hates sin and forbids people from sinning. God hates death too - Jesus even wept at the sight of death. But God also ordains death - - it's His curse on all of us for the sins of our first parents (Genesis 3).

God ordains sin and suffering, even though He despises them. Here in then is the mystery of concurrence.

This does not make human beings simply "puppets" - - puppets do not have desires or wills, or do not make choces. People do made their choices.

God is the invisible hand at work in, behind and through the plans of mice and men, always accomplishing His eternal and unchaning purpose.

Okay if your mother or father, or child is suffering, are you yourself, don't tell me, that God has nothing to do with their suffering. All the suffering has some significance with God! God ordains every disappointment, suffering, lost and sorrow, just as surly as He ordains every joy and happiness. We want to believe that God is their with us every step of the way.

Didn't Job say, "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away." What did Job then say, "May the name of the LORD be praised."

God has a PURPOSE and while most of the time we have no clue, nor can't understand it.

Our sufferings and disppointment, hurts, saddness, losses, and even our sins have significance greater than themselves.

For most people this idea is hard to take, to believe. Our culture today wants to believe they have personal self determination. Their personal choice is viewed over God as the most important. Some pray that God's will be accomplished in their lives. Others believe they made their own choices, to which God is not involved.

As a result of this personal self determination, and conclusion, its hard to teach the doctrine of predestination because at the heart of men is this rebellion.

Ephesians 1:11 "In Him, (Christ) we were chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.

-Who decides? God or man! Well both. But its God who overrules. Don't many of us, you who are believers, pray daily that God will direct our going and coming, our thoughts and behavior. I certainly do. I want God to just set in anytime He desires.

(Notes from a lesson at First Baptist Church, Altoona, Kansas)


Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Monday, January 28, 2008


Should you mark in your Bible? You are asking me? I have marked in my bible for fifty years. I was surprise to read over at Experiencing Reformation: "Building A Blank Bible" He is makeing a blank Bible for his dad. Goodness. Over at "Writing In Your Bible." This idea of writing in your Bible, or having a Bible where there are blank pages. Also over had this project of the blank Bible. They are at least sixty years late. has Jonathan Edwards sermon on "The Blank Bible".

My dad had a loose leaf Bible, by Riverside Book & Bible House over fifty years ago, you could have a blank page or pages wherever you wanted. I had one myself with hundreds of extra pages with my sermon notes. I have a three ring Bible. You can put a complete sermon anytime in this Bible.

Highlighting markers is a normal part of reading, underlining verses is normal. In some of my Bibles, there is not a page that has not been marked up with notes.

The Bible is God’s word and it is meant to be used, pencil, pen, markers, should be used to high light a text. Its not sinful to put notes in your bible, its better than a flower to press.

Of course if you have a MacArthur, Jr Study Bible, the notes of verses are already on the page.


Jesus is not a "doll." Several years ago, a Christian company in Florida began marketing "Jesus the Doll," a doll the makers claim will "help children discover Jesus." For $29.95, the doll promises to "provide solace for the elderly and the infirm, for those in recovery programs, and those in emotional duress. The real Lord is just too ethereal, "it's hard to hug air" the company notes.

Maybe some people who are not Christians need to take "Effexor XR", but Christians do not, nor do they need a "Jesus the Doll." Christians do not need to rely on "venlafaxine hydrochloride" the extended release capsule. But a continued release of the Holy Spirit in our spirit.

Christians need to understand the theology of God and His work and words.

Christians do not necessarily need drugs for strength, for encouragment, for solace, for recovery from hurt, disappointment, death, and daily living. They need to grasp the knowlege of who God, Jesus Christ is and what he is doing in the world today.

I am afraid that too many people in America have forgotten the sovereign power of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ is abounding in love and mercy, but not in "hugs." He is too big to hug. And those in the Bible who saw God, men like Moses and Isaiah in Isaiah six, wanted to run from God. They didn't want to hug Him. They said, "Woe is me, I am ruined!" Even angels who minister before God's throne would not even dare to look God in the face, but cover their eyes and feet and cry out, "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY" Our God, our Lord Jesus Christ, is a consuming fire, not a rag doll. And God is sovereign and there is really no need to fear... HE IS IN CONTROL.

The time-extended-release capsules we need is not found in hugging a doll but reading the verses in the BIBLE. The Spirit will release His strength in us hourly.

  • Psalms 103:19 "The Lord hath prepared His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom ruleth over all."
  • Romans 8:28 "And we know that all works together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called to His purpose."
  • Ephesians 1:11 "In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things afer the counsel of His own will."
I suggest that you spend $ for a Bible, like the John MacArthur, Jr, Study Bible
(or Charity would get the Charles Stanley "Life Principles" Bible).

Or get a hug from Charlie Bond or Ray McCoy. That is far better than hugging a doll. Get a call from Sharan McCoy, get an email from a friend, get a card from Allen and Toni Barnhart, including their children and grandkids. Or share a new blonde joke with Melody. If you need a spiritual therapist, Rick Warner has been a blessing to me. Of course I could continue to give illustration, but it would take pages.

If you need strength, or you have emotional trouble, or you need a lift, you need the time-released power of Jesus Christ, via the Holy Spirit. And sometimes Christ will use us to encourage others.
I think therefor I BLOG.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Tiger Woods opened his season with a fourth straight win at the Buick Invitational, an eight-stroke victory that ties him with Arnold Palmer for fourth place in U.S. PGA Tour history with 62 golf tournament titles.

Woods, the world's No. 1 ranked golfer, entered the final round with an eight-stroke advantage and shot a 1-under-par 71 today at windy Torrey Pines Golf Club in La Jolla, California.

Woods has won the last four PGA Tour events he's entered dating back to last season, when he completed the year by capturing the first FedEx Cup title, and trails only Sam Snead (82), Jack Nicklaus (73) and Ben Hogan (64) in career victories.


TIGER WOODS 1991 -2008 11 Years 62 PGA wins. 20 other tour wins worldwide.

Tiger Woods opened his season with a fourth straight win at the Buick Invitational, an eight-stroke victory that ties him with Arnold Palmer for fourth place in U.S. PGA Tour history with 62 golf tournament titles.

Woods, the world's No. 1 ranked golfer, entered the final round with an eight-stroke advantage and shot a 1-under-par 71 today at windy Torrey Pines Golf Club in La Jolla, California. 18 under par. 67-65-66-71 269

Woods has won the last four PGA Tour events he's entered dating back to last season, when he completed the year by capturing the first FedEx Cup title, and trails only Sam Snead (82), Jack Nicklaus (73) and Ben Hogan (64) in career victories.


TigerWoodsofficial site had the banner at the top of this post. PGA tour had the 62 win poster.

Saturday, January 26, 2008



Tiger Woods has an eight-shot lead after shooting a 66 in Round 3. Stewart Cink (69) is his closest competitor

Woods was at 18-under 198, tying the 54-hole record at Torrey Pines set by Woody Blackburn in 1985. Woods also shattered tournament records for 54-hole lead (five shots), and appears well on his way to capturing the Buick Invitational for the fourth straight year, and sixth time in his career. Tiger is one short of 62 victories to tie Arnold Palmer.



I was born and raised into a Baptist, Indpendent Baptist home. I was saved in a Baptist Church. My dad was a Baptist preacher. I went to a Baptist Seminary. I have pastor and worked and taught in Baptist Churches. (A little back ground)
Back in February 2004 I was asked by Frank Tallerico. pastor of Bigelow Church to teach the Discipleship Hour Adult class for a few weeks. My topic was:




And I plan to post some of that study
What was the reason Jesus died on the Cross?
The Crucifixion of Christ
How was our salvation made possible?
from the curse of the fall to total inability

to the redemption at the cross

to the adoption of underserving sinners.
from the work of a Sovereign God in ELECTION

to the work of Jesus on the cross in ATONEMENT

to the work of the Holy Spirit in the REGENERATION

Friday, January 25, 2008

Enough said.......
Buick Invitational
after two rounds
67 and 65
a four stroke lead

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Refined - showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience; "his polished manner was outstanding."
I am working on my Passioned, Personality Disorder.
I am working:
To become free of impurities. To acquire polish or elegance. To use precise distinctions and subtlety in thought or speech.
This might take a while.
cultivated, polished, polite, courteous, civilized, courtly, genteel, elegant



He and MICHELE has been our friends since the 1980's when I was pastor/teacher at Altoona Kansas. Charity and I could not have two better friends.
MIKE and Nancy Nunnenkamp, Kurt's brother has been a friend as long. The Nunnenkamp family, Allen and Cec their dad and mom has been a long time friends. Cec was the "world's best church secretary".
You need to check out a great website...........
This learning how to upload pictures is sure wonderful. Be sure to take a view of Kurt's website. Enjoy. I am already home sick for the outdoors of Altoona, Kansas. What was I thinking when I left.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

ROBERT TEMPLE 11 and his wife Ily (alvarado_ileana)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Scripture is very clear and consistent in its teaching that we were all born into a state of sinfulness, guilt, and spiritual death. When we truly comprehend our fallenness, we can immediately see that our own sin is a moral and spiritual dilemma from which we are utterly unable to loosen ourselves.

  • Paul told the Ephesian believers: "[You] were dead in trespasses and sins: wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others" (Ephesians 2:1-3).
  • Look closely at what he says there: Every unregenerate person is spiritually dead, walking in accord with Satan, by nature a child of wrath. We are born into this world as thorough going sinners—not merely tainted a little bit by sin, but completely, hopelessly in bondage to it. Every aspect of our being—mind, emotions, desires, and even our physical constitution—is corrupted, controlled, and disfigured by sin and its effects. No one escapes from that verdict. We are totally depraved. What does this mean ?

October 2003 Richard Lemaster gave me his Gateway Computer with a printer and with 98 Windows and Corel Word Perfect and a printer. And went on AOL November 2003. Today January 2008, I still have this Gateway Computer, and six printers later and still with AOL

Daily for the last four years sitting at my desk, with a cup of coffee, pen and paper and Corel WordPerfect , and a bible at hand, studying 1000's of articles, from Theology to Church Ministry from many websites. Downloading those articles and neatly placing in a three ring binder.


Monday, January 21, 2008

11 Thessalonians 2
"But we are bound to give thanks, always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning CHOSEN you to SALVATION through SANCTIFICATION of the Spirit and belief in the truth." Whereunto he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the GLORY of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Updated Tuesday
If you will scroll down a few posts and past the pictures you will
see the lesson on this verse about our
salvation. (There are two parts)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
While glancing through Philip Schaff's "History of the Christian Church, Volume 1," I came across the following wonderful quote. I share it with you for your enjoyment and pondering. May God grant His people a renewed love and reverence for His Word
"In these inspired writings we have, not indeed an equivalent, but a reliable substitute for the personal presence and the oral instruction of Christ and His apostles. The written Word differs from the spoken only in form; the substance is the same, and has therefore the same authority and quickening power for us as it had for those who heard it first. Although these books were called forth apparently by special and accidental occasions, and were primarily addressed to particular circles of readers and adapted to particular circumstances, yet, as they present the eternal and unchangeable truth in living forms, they suit all circumstances and conditions. Tracts for the times, they are tracts for all times; intended for Jews and Greeks of the first century, they have the same interest for Englishmen and Americans of the nineteenth century [and of the 21st!]. They are to this day not only the sole reliable and pure fountain of primitive Christianity, but also the infallible rule of Christian faith and practice. From this fountain the church has drunk the water of life for more than fifty generations, and will drink it until the end of time. In this rule she has a perpetual corrective for all her faults, and a protective against all error. Theological systems come and go, and draw from that treasury their larger or smaller additions to the stock of our knowledge of the truth; but they can never equal that infallible Word of God, wich abideth forever."
Charity's father and mother, would daily set at the breakfast table and read the Bible. The Bible was as much a part of their lives as breathing.
They tried to live the principles of the Bible.
Often Bob would read through the Bible twice in one year.
Bob at 75 years old, is as fresh in His spirit for Christ as he was when he was 33 years old, fresh out of Bible Baptist Seminary
and Lenora was by his side the whole time
In business and in church.
Last night Bob Temple, Sr. taught a Bible Lesson
to the Senior Citizens

Becky lives in Hutchinson Kansas




She will be missed, but not forgotten by family and friends, and even her son-in-law.

1. What is your only comfort in life and in death?
That I, with body and soul, both in life and in death,[1] am not my own,[2] but belong to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ,[3] who with His precious blood[4] has fully satisfied for all my sins,[5] and redeemed me from all the power of the devil;[6] and so preserves me[7] that without the will of my Father in heaven not a hair can fall from my head;[8] indeed, that all things must work together for my salvation.[9] Wherefore, by His Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life,[10] and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live unto Him.[11]
  • ^

    Sunday, January 20, 2008

    Charles E. Whisnant, and my son Chad
    Robby Temple, 111, Eric C. Whisnant Bob Temple, Sr. ,
    Chad R. Whisnant, and Kyle E. Whisnant

    Charles and Charity Whisnant at Charity mother's Funeral January 12th 2008
    This is my youngest son Kyle and his mother, my wife, Charity at the burial of Charity's mother Lenora Temple.

    We All Error In Bible Interpretation, But . . .
    Quoting William Plumer

    "The knowledge of God possessed by angels and by the spirits of just men made perfect in heaven, is very different in degree from that possessed by even good and able men on earth. Here all men are liable to err, and all men do err.
    No man on this earth is without some wrong view, or some ignorance, which mars his knowledge.
    This is no reason for sloth or discouragement; but is a good reason why we should be humble and careful and teachable, and pray for divine light and guidance.
    It is far different in heaven. There they do always hold the face of God. Matthew 18:10. They do not hope for anything, for they already possess all good. Romans 8:24. "Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12.
    Knowledge without any mixture of error belongs only to the heavenly state. And yet a great part of the knowledge which the inhabitants of heaven have - concerns the very things which good men are learning in this world. Those above know perfectly what we know in parcels only. "
    There are those who would say: "This is the reason we must embrace mystery, and try not to be so arrogant as to think that any of us has the truth cornered."
    William Plumer on the other hand, was a theologian who believed that the truth could be known and understood, and if you thoroughly studied your Bible, and you earnestly seeking truth, the Holy Spirit just might give it to you.
    We don't need to shy away from doctrine because we are slow of learning. There is no reason we should be slack in learning the Word.
    Its not arrogants to say we are studying theology to know the knowledge of God.

    Saturday, January 19, 2008

    A portrait of the redeemed saints in glory doing what God designed for them to do from before the foundation of the world and that is to praise and glorify and honor His Son.
    Part Two
    Footnote: Thanks for all the e mails, flowers, cards, thanks, visits, phone calls.
    Charles & Charity Whisnant
    P. O. Box 270
    Lucasville, Ohio 45648
    11 Thessalonians 2
    • "But we are bound to give thanks, always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning CHOSEN you to SALVATION through SANCTIFICATION of the Spirit and belief in the truth." Whereunto he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the GLORY of our Lord Jesus Christ."
    Do you understand how justification works?
    Do you understand what that word means? It is a declared acceptable to God." Obviously, humanly speaking, none of us is qualified. So, at some point, in order that God’s plan founded in election can come to glorification, God has to get down to dealing with the issue of sin.
    How does He do it? Well, sin has to be punished and this is the great miracle of the Christian faith: he punished Jesus in our place. Jesus died on the cross, follow this thought, executed by God, as if He had committed every sin ever committed by every person who would ever believe, though, in fact, He committed none of them. If you understand that, you understand the core of the Christian gospel. God treated Jesus on the cross as if He had committed every sin ever committed by every person, who would ever believe. Though, in fact, He committed none of them. He died in our place.
    This question is: why did He have to come and live for thirty-three years? And we don’t even know anything about those thirty-three years. What was Jesus like as a little boy? Have you ever wondered about that? Did His father work real hard in the carpenter’s shop to make a table and He came in and said, "Table!" What was He like, God in human flesh? It doesn’t tell us. All we have is one small. tiny glimpse at the age of twelve when he was asking questions in Jerusalem of those religious authorities. Why thirty-three years? Why thirty years of absolute anonymity? Nobody really understood who He was. He didn’t make any great divine display, if you will, in the city of Nazareth or the village of Nazareth. Why all those years? Why seventy-six for Lenora?
    Well, I think it’s really summed up when He was baptized and John the Baptist said, "Well, why do you want to be baptized?" And He said, "In order that I might fulfill all righteousness." This is a great truth and it must be understood. Jesus needed to live a perfect life, a full and perfect life, so that it could be imputed to us. Let me sum it up this way. On the cross Jesus was without sin. He was spotless, He was sinless, harmless, holy, undefiled, separate from sin…Hebrews says. On the cross He was sinless; God treated Him as if He was a sinner. Let me tell you something. You’re not righteous and I’m not either but God treats us as if we were. He executed Jesus as if He lived your life so He could treat you as if you lived His. That’s the doctrine of substitution. That’s what justification does. There was a day in the life of Lenora when God, in His marvelous grace, moved that elective purpose one step further into justification. She heard the gospel, she believed the gospel, and God imputed the righteousness of Christ to her and her sin to the Savior who died on the cross, and she was saved.
    That wasn’t the end, because there’s a next step in the unfolding of this. Election: He "chose you for salvation," that’s justification, "through sanctification by the Spirit." The third great journal in the life of a believer is sanctification. What is that? It’s tied into belief, it’s tied into obedience……it’s just that progressive unfolding of a believer’s life lived in obedience to God."
    Bob, Rob, Debbie, Charity lived with Lenora through that great journal. How old was she when she was saved, be it seven or twenty one. Well, we saw the growth of her sanctification! And, for thirty-eight years, I was there with Charity, often at a distance, and nevertheless she was growing in the Image of Christ, and in those last months of her life we all saw that image of Christ take form.
    Her biography’s no different than any of yours if you know Christ. You’re living through this time of gradually being evermore separated from sin.
    That’s not the end. He says, in verse 14, "……to which He called you." He called you to this justification. He called you to this sanctification. He called you to "the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." That is incredible. That’s glorification, from election to justification through sanctification to glorification that is simply a statement that says that a believer in the end obtains, that is, participates in, the very glory of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
    She entered into that glory last Wednesday. Now he has no more sin; she is sinless. She reflects the glory of Christ. She was predestined to be conformed to the image of God’s Son: she is now bearing that image. She is not God, she is not deity, but she is as holy as God. Isn’t that an amazing thought-because it’s an absolute holiness. For this she was born. For this she was saved. For this she lived. And, this is her shining moment.
    Now, I don’t want to minimize her uniqueness, but I do need to say that from God’s standpoint, she is one of the chosen to belong to the heavenly hallelujah chorus who forever will reflect the glory of Christ and worship and praise His name.
    We do not fear as those who have no hope. We, who love Christ, are just waiting for the reunion. People always ask me, "Well, will she be waiting for us?" Well, she’s in a world with no time. If you don’t have time, you don’t have waiting. Besides, there’s plenty to keep her occupied without worrying about us. For the first time, she will be free from that.
    And this benediction: verse 16, "May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work." I don’t know about you, but I’m greatly comforted in this truth. This is not an aberration. This isn’t something that went wrong. This is something that went perfectly right…perfectly right.
    And this is very personal, this verse, "May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work."
    1. Don’t shake.
    2. Don’t be afraid.
    3. Don’t waver.
    4. Stand fast,
    5. hang on to the truth, the traditions you were taught -- hold onto everything she ever taught.
    It would be a great tragedy and I say this to the family in particular, it would be a great tragedy were we not to stand fast in the truth that she lived for. I mean that would be the ultimate tragedy, were we not to be faithful "in every good word and work." It would almost seem as if all that she did would be wasted.
    Stand fast, hold the traditions you were taught, receive the personal comfort of Christ and God Himself, and be established "in every good word and work." This is our biography. And we’ll all be there……we’ll all be there if we know Him.
    This could be said of Bob Temple, Sr. who for 55 years lived with Lenora a life that was lived in the manner of the Lord Jesus Christ. He as well as Lenora has lived a life as an example for their family. May we all live in the manner as they have.

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    In the case of every believer, there is a four-chronology biography-there is a four-magnitude story to be told about everyone who belongs in the kingdom of God.
    part one b
    Lenora Temple
    A portrait of the redeemed saints in glory doing what God designed for them to do from before the foundation of the world and that is to praise and glorify and honor His Son.

    Now I know that Bob is a fundamentalist, Baptist preacher but he also is one who loves the Word of God --.and one who loves the King James Bible.

    This might be a little strange to Lenora if she were her alive today, but since she is in Heaven she is having a good time with those who have gone before.

    I am sure over the years Lenora has heard what I am about to say, Bob and I have from time to time at the dinner table discussed the topic I am about to enter into.

    There are four great stages in the believer’s life.
    11 Thessalonians 2
    "But we are bound to give thanks, always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning CHOSEN you to SALVATION through SANCTIFICATION of the Spirit and belief in the truth." Whereunto he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the GLORY of our Lord Jesus Christ."

    The apostle Paul identifies those four great epics in II Thessalonians, chapter 2. Let me read what he says, "We are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord." Now, he’s writing to a church, a congregation-we don’t know how large that congregation was but it was perhaps a hundred, perhaps a little more than that. He’s writing to a group of people and he basically describes their biography and it’s the same. He says, "Brethren beloved, God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."
    Now, there were diverse people in that church with all kinds of different human biographies: each of them would have been different and lived a different life in different circumstances. But, when it came to their spiritual biography, it was identical and so he could speak to them collectively and say, "You’ve all come through the same histories," and here they are: election, justification, sanctification, and glorification. And, in the case of Lenora Temple, in the case of anybody else who belongs to God, glorification is the culmination of God’s redemptive epics. This is not a sad ending; this is the reason why it all began in the first place.
    The Thessalonian believers had some concerns: they were worried about what happened to Christians who died. That’s sort of the issue lying behind the letter. And Paul, writing to them, gives a description of the biography of a believer that ultimately answers that question. He says that you don’t have to worry, there is a process going on here.
    It begins with election. "God from the beginning chose you." When was the beginning? If you go to Titus, chapter 1, it tells us there that God made this plan "before time began." It says the same thing in II Timothy, chapter 1, verse 9, "…before time began." In the book of Revelation it says the names of believers were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life from before "the foundation of the world."
    This would be a meager attempt to explain……summing up all of Scripture, let me make an attempt at it. When no creation existed, when there were no angels and there were no humans, and there was no universe as we know it and there was no earth as we live on it-when there was only God, Trinitarian God, God the Father determined to give a love gift to the Son. Perfect love results in generosity and perfect giving; the love of the Father sought to be expressed to the Son in a gift.
    What would that gift be? By God’s design, He determined before the foundations of the world, before time began, to give to the Son a redeemed humanity. That’s why, in John 6, Jesus said, "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me." That’s why, in the same chapter, He said, "No one comes to the Father, but by Me, and no one comes to Me except the Father draws him." The Father, in an expression of perfect love, said to the Son, "I want to show My love to You: I want to give you a redeemed humanity." Why? "I want to give you beings who forever and ever and ever will praise and glorify Your name." The purpose of our birth in the first place, is so God could redeem us, so that we could bring Him praise and glorify His name for ever.
    And, by the way, if you ever happen to read the book of Revelation, note chapter four and you get to see to heaven and when you get up there, you meet saints…and what are they saying? "Worthy is the Lamb to receive glory and honor and power" and all the rest. And that’s a portrait of the redeemed saints in glory doing what God designed for them to do from before the foundation of the world. That is to praise and glorify and honor His Son.
    There’s another component. It says in I John 3:2 that when we see Him, we shall be like Him." In Romans 8:29, it says that we were chosen, we were elected, we were predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son. That is what the verse says, even in the KJV
    You can sum up the doctrine of election in a very simple way: God, before the foundation of the world, determined to give a redeemed humanity to His Son, to reflect His glory and to praise Him forever and ever and ever. God had a plan for our birth, and life, in time and in eternity.
    What happens in our lives on earth is, in the big picture, slightly incidental. The goal that God had from before the foundation of the world for Lenora, has now entered into its fulfillment. All the rest was really prologue. But, it all started with election. It’s an incredible reality, you know! God not only knew, God chose.
    Then there was justification. Once born into the world, the believer must hear the message of salvation, and God’s Spirit then prompts the heart and salvation occurs. Lenora was justified: she was declared righteous. Some of us might think she was declared righteous because she earned it-not true. By the deeds of the law, no flesh is justified. She, like all the rest of us, was a sinner and in need of grace.
    Will continue next : Charles E. Whisnant

    Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    The family arrived at Victory Baptist Church, West Portsmouth, Ohio, for the memorial service for Lenora Temple, Charity's mother, Debbie's and Rob's mom. By the time we arrived, the church was just about full of people. The viewing was for an hour before the service, and many were coming and leaving, because the church was full. By 2 p.m. chairs were being set up for the people to sit.
    The tone was set for the entire service with the whole congregation singing together "What A Day That Will Be." Then the reading of Lenora'a family and life. Tim and Jenny Palla sang "It Is Well With My Soul.". They sung two songs. Then Loretta Benner played "When They Ring Those Golden Bells For You And Me." Bob said he was about to get up and lead singing. Pastor Paul Gibson spoke and I am trying to get his outline, because the Lord used him to minister to us, the family and those who were present.
    Following the service, as you know folks come by the body and give their last respect. Well this time, one young lady could not resist to hug Bob who was sitting on the front seat, right of Lenora. And following that hug, the whole crowd of people followed suit and came and hugged Bob, Randy, Debbie, Rob, Ily, Charity and myself. (I had two substitutes Eric and Chad). This took some time, since there were some four hundred people in the church. Many folks left, but many came by and hugged Bob, etc.
    Then we left the church and went to the Scioto Burial Park. High on the Mountain. Paul Gibson again was very good in his message to us. Lenora's body was laid to rest.
    Victory Baptist Church people provided food for the family, and friends, and we are deeply grateful for all the work the members put forth.]
    Finally we all came out to the Temple's home, and had a time of fellowship and eating. And Bob was able to tell a few stories that he had kept until Lenora had passed away. "The Driving Down the Golf Cart Path." I might see if I can get this written down.
    • All the family of Nelle, Lenora's sister, and husband Chuck, their two married children, David and Debbie (Benner) with Jessica and Melanie, and Brenda and her husband Terry Euton, and Nicholas and Nikki, and Ashley) Goodness what a nice family.
    • Of course our family (Charity's family). Debbie and her son Randy. Rob and his wife Ileana, and son Robby.
    Special thanks again to the Lillian Davis, Scott Davis, T.J. Adkins, Gary Meade, Steve Sowkulech who were so helpful to the family at the Memorial Service.
    Charles E. Whisnant, and Charity F. Whisnant

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    The Character of a Family

    Our daughter Becky visited with Lenora on Christmas, she spend several days with us and was able to visit with her grandmother. Becky lives in Hutchenson Kansas and has to travel to Kansas City to fly out, then come to Columbus then to Portsmouth. Becky wanted to come back for the funeral, but her mother and I felt it was best for us, with the weather and time schedule and the pressure of getting her back to the airport, etc. that she would just remember the good time she had with Lenora at Christmas. The imortant thing I believe is she was able to visit with Lenora when she was alive.
    If I had the ability to sum up the experience of losing a loved one who has died, and the reaction of the family in the process, and how the extended family and community reacted would be a wonder
    The Senior Member of this family is Bob Temple, Sr. He is the root and the rock of the Temple clan. When I started Seminary in 1966 Bob had just finished Seminary in 1966. Then in 1969 I married his daughter Charity. So for 38 years I have been in the family.
    From our perspective of living life, it is to be lived as a believer in Jesus Christ, and as much as Christ would live. This is called being a Christian. One who lives, breaths, acts, and obeys the Lord Jesus Christ. The focus that we want others to see in us, is a love for the Lord in all we do. We are not all about going to Sunday School and Worship Services on Sunday, Sunday Night and Wednesday Nights. To us its about 24/7 full time Christ-like living.
    It’s always been about "growing in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ." It’s always been "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." For Bob it’s been about family, and it’s been about ministry of preaching, and it’s been about shepherding those whom the Lord has given him.

    For Bob he would take the family to Philippians 4, and he would have Charity to read verses four to 8.

    • Rejoice in the Lord always;, and again I say, rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing (don’t worry about anything) but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things." In the KJV version always for over forty years.

    If I am correct, Lenora was at the side of Bob for fifty-five years. Charity and I were in ministry away from Portsmouth for over thirty years. In the thirty-five years they had Mex-Itali and the years they were at Victory Baptist, Portsmouth Baptist, they both were side by side. I have not seen or heard anything about them that would suggest that they have wavered from their love for Christ, family and ministry.

    So how are they going to respond in a death of a loved one? Just like they have lived in the past fifty-five years. To the glory of the Lord. You are going to react today in the manner that you have become over the time of your life.

    The Temple clan, the Lemaster clan, the Sonner clan, the Mucha clan, the Whisnant clan, the Gullette clan, seems to be a strong lineage. And they were together when Lenora passed away last week.

    Posted by Charles E. Whisnant, proof read by Charity Whisnant Jan 14, 2008


    Sunday, January 13, 2008

    This poem is dedicated to Lenora Temple. The best Grandma a Grandchild could be blessed with. I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you.

    Thank You
    By: Chad Whisnant

    I want to take this time to say thank you.
    If you see tears they are not sad ones
    but happy thoughts of you.

    Thank you for loving us as only a Grandma can.
    Thank you for Christmas and Birthday cards
    each year from Grandpa and Gram.

    You and Grandpa gave me my first job.
    Now look at me all grown up and I have a great job.

    Thank You for all the endless meals at Lenoras' Mex-Itali.
    You even named a meal for each of us like Chili Chad and
    Becky's Basgetti.

    I know now that you are in a Beautiful Place.
    Even more beautiful now that it has your face.

    Most of all I thank you for having the lady who became
    my Mother Charity Faye.
    Thank you for showing us the meaning of Faith
    each and every day.

    Once again I say thank you for all you and Grandpa have done.
    Thank you from ALL who love you, and Me your Grandson.

    In Loving Memory of Lenora Faye Temple

    Chad Whisnant
    General Manager Holiday Inn Express
    Hotel & Suites Downtown Lexington, KY

    Saturday, January 12, 2008


    Lenora Faye Temple of McDermott, Ohio, went to be with the Lord on January 9, 2008 at home. She was born in New Boston, Ohio, on January 4, 1932, a daughter of the late Frank and Leatha Hale Lemaster.
    Lenora was married to Robert (Bob) Temple on July 2, 1952 at North Moreland Church in Portsmouth Ohio by Minister Alonzo Ferguson
    She was a charter member of Victory Baptist Church in West Portsmouth, Ohio. In 1968, she and her husband Bob opened La Pizzeria in West Portsmouth (later, the name was changed to Lenora’s Mex-Itali Restaurant.) She was a member of the Southern Ohio Restaurant Association and Ohio State Restaurant Association. Then in 1997, she started Union Mills Confectionery in West Portsmouth. In 2002, they sold the restaurant and retired.
    Surviving are her husband of 55 years, Robert E. Temple, Sr. of McDermott, OH; daughter, Charity Mucha Whisnant and her husband Charles of Portsmouth; daughter, Debra Temple Blevins of McDermott, OH; and a son, Robert (Rob) E. Temple, Jr. and his wife Ileana, of Lucasville, OH; and her sister, Nelle Sonner and her husband Charles, of Chockawinity, NC; eight grandchildren, Eric Whisnant and his wife, Leslie, of Lexington, KY; Becki Whisnant Robertson of Hutchinson, KS; Randy Blevins of Pickerington, OH; Chad Whisnant of Lexington, KY; Robert (Robby) E. Temple III of McDermott, OH; Kyle Whisnant of Lexington, KY; and Graciela and Carlos Gamboa of Costa Rica; sister-in-law, Pauline Lemaster of Chillicothe, OH; and Brother-in-law, Willard McFarland of Portsmouth, OH.
    She was preceded in death by her parents; infant sister, Gladys Rosella; her first husband, Lloyd Mucha; sister, Betty Gullett and her husband, George, Brother R. T. Lemaster; and sister Mae McFarland.
    Funeral Services will be 2:00 PM Saturday January 12, 2008, at Victory Baptist Church in West Portsmouth, OH, with Pastor Paul Gibson officiating. Burial will be in Scioto Burial Park at McDermott, OH. Friends may call at the Roger W. Davis Funeral Home in West Portsmouth, OH, o n Friday from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM and at the church from 1:00 PM until the funeral hour. Condolences may be sent to


    Last night the family had another time to remember Lenora Temple (Charity's mother). Tradition has a time for friends and family to gather together to have a time of remembering the loss of one we love, and paying respect to the spouse and family of the one who has died. How often we see folks we haven't seen in years, and we have to catch up with ten or twenty years of news. And often we do not recognize who our friends of twenty years are. Do we change or what? We had a chance last night to visit with old friends and new friends as well. We looked at the flowers and quilts that friends sent to express their love for Lenora and Bob.

    Of course, I am looking at this from my perspective, which is what we all do. We were able to take pictures which is good, Heather is so good at taking pictures, she has this ability to take pictures while you are not even aware of her doing it. I wish I had the ability to put these picture's on this blog, but I am needing an upgrade to accomplish this feat.

    I would like to thank Mrs. Davis and Scott and the staff at Roger W. Davis Funeral Home, they accomplished a beautiful and wonderful atmosphere for the family. They really have the ability to make the family feel good and comfortable. They did wonderful in preparing Lenora for viewing. They did a nice project with the picture video of Lenora's life. They accomplished a task that sometimes goes unnoticed, but they do it so well. Thanks Roger W. Davis Staff. And this was only yesterday. They have a big task today.

    Following the visitation time, the family went back to the house, and Mex-i-Itali via Tim and Sherri Wheeler supplied us with all the food for the evening meal. We are so grateful for Tim and Sherri. They bought the restaurant from Bob and Lenora five years ago, and have really kept the tradition going - good food and a good place to work. And they still support missions. They are both Christians and have a love for the Lord, their church, and our family.

    The family gathered with Bob at the home, and had a good time of eating, and talking about the life of Lenora. Of course as a son-in-law, I could say a few things, but that would not count.
    Lenora now knows, I hope, that I am a sinner saved by God's grace alone, and I love her beautiful daughter and grandkids. { Oh, I need to get back to the original purpose of this post. Well later.} Bob told a story on Lenore, that I would like to repeat, but at this time I don't remember it. He said that now that she is in Heaven, she wouldn't get mad if he told it. I might get the other family members to write some stories about Lenora and put them on this blog later.

    I also want to thank Arlington Baptist College and the Mission for sending out e-mail about Lenora. Charity and I were pleasantly surpised to receive a number of e mails from lost (time) friends. Barbara Wimm, Bonnie Winters, Barbara Wilkins, Larry Wilson, Gene and Jeanie Hutton, and Kent Bird, old friends from Seminary days. Boy, they were the days. Uh guys! You are now on my mailing list.....

    It's also nice to receive condolence from former young people from our past church ministry (Connersville Ind.) And from friends in our church in Altoona. Friends while Charity I and were in Lexington Ky. And from family who were not able to come. And family who are able to come. Boy this has been nice to hear from all these wonderful friends and we hope to keep up via e mail, at least. Thank you all who have written, and updated us on what you are doing. It's great, thanks, again.

    Charity and I are deeply touched and blessed at this time to have your prayers.

    Part two


    I will work on after the services this afternoon.

    The service for Lenora Temple will be today at Victory Baptist Church, in West Portsmouth, Ohio, Pastor Paul Gibson will have the service. And I will address more following the service later this afternoon.

    Charles/Charity Whisnant

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