Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I asked my sister Ellen to give me her opinion of the following guestions:

  • Give me a perspective of your thinking about Thomas Road Baptist Church church and services and what you thought when you walked into the building.

  • Give me what you thought when you meet Jerry's sons and daughter, as it would relate to their work at the church and college.

  • And why do you think Stephen will do well in the church while he is in college?

Those were some thought provoking questions. I am not sure I can adequately answer them but will try.

Perhaps my first impression upon walking into TRBC brings with it a different perspective from the average visitor. History walks in with me. It felt like I was at home though I had never been there....in that particular church building. Charity and I fell in love with" Main Street", I think is what it is called, isn't it? I loved the "aroma" of days gone by as you sauntered down the "street". First, I should have mentioned the piano dedicated to Macel for her many years of ministry in music. What is it about a fine piano that draws your heart strings? You quickly take notice and I always want to "touch" those ivory keys! Too, it reminds me of my conversation with her about making a CD of her fingers dancing across those keys.

If you are asking about the auditorium, it felt like walking back in time into the original TRBC. Somehow in my mind it had stayed the very same size! I was not distracted by "things". The service itself was spiritually inviting. As always, Jerry, was amazingly ahead of his time. I remember thinking, "And how old is he???" Wow. What a mind the man had and what vision.

Having gone back since his passing, initially I wondered what it was going to be like without him? I was pleasantly blessed. His presence for one thing was evident. He had truly prepared the way. And wouldn't that be just like him being the visionary he was? Immediately it reminded me of his latest book, AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY. If you get a chance, purchase it and read pp 383-384 for a glimpse of his taking care of the future while in the present. A testimony that should challenge us all to take more time to ensure good things follow our departure on this earth.

And Jonathan as pastor of TRBC has not missed a step. I admire that he is NOT trying to be a replica of his dad, yet the principles are imprinted upon his heart. By the way, Stephen loved Jonathan and immediately connected with the praise and worship service.

Am I ever thankful that Jerry allowed his children to be who God called them to be. Too, it was good to see Sonny Moon (known to most as Jim Moon) on the platform. That was one of the best decisions TRBC made after Jerry's passing. I was afforded the opportunity to spend some time chatting with him as well. He is truly a man who loves the heart of God, TRBC, and LU.

Meeting Jerry, Jr. and his wife, Becky, was comforting as well. He is working hard to meet all the new and welcomed demands at LU. Even down to honoring his dad by wearing a suit!!!! Too, being more like his mom, he is out of his comfort zone being in the public eye. However, he is learning to wear it well.

Now I pray they stay close to the heart of God even more so than Jerry and Macel. We all need to pray for their protection.

Too, I have developed personal relationships with some of LU's staff, so I feel I have a better idea of where the heart of the school is going. Their sentiments remain constant; they greatly miss Jerry but are pressing forward to the goal he placed before them. As one staffer said to me, "While God did not choose to extend Dr. Falwell's life the 15 years he had requested (read the book for more details), we feel the next 15 years will be the best years LU has ever had!"

So how do I "feel" about my son attending LU and TRBC? BLESSED in measure! What more could a mom ask for when her child is leaving the nest? He was given to me as a gift from the Lord and merely on loan to rear him in the admonition of the Lord. Now the rest is between the two of them.

Your sister always,

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