In 2001 Charity and I moved to Portsmouth Ohio from Kentucky. From 2001 to 2008 a whole other story but not for this post.
July 2008 was when we went to Rivers of Joy Baptist Church in Minford, Ohio. This also is another story that I might have address in an early post. Can't remember.
Rivers of Joy Baptist Church would have been the lasts church that I would have ever thought I could pastor at. While I liked the two pastors of the church, they were good men and really overall had a wonderful group of people, and had a wonderful ministry. But the first pastor Bro. King passed died and the second Bro. Kelly resigned and went back to Alaska. And at the time the church was doing rather well as I understand.
What I know that following this the church group fell apart as I understand. My understanding the deacons and pulpit committee and church could not agree on a new pastor. By the time I came along all the deacons accept one had left along with 90 percent of the members. And as I understand they were going to close the church doors as of July 2008.
We got word of this situation and I personally called the deacon and he knew me and was not at the time in favor of me coming to try out and I was really glad of that.
But Bob Temple didn't know about the phone call, and he called the deacon and he offered his services. The deacon said okay, and Bob said we would be there Sunday. The "we" part was me and him.
Surprise I was to preach that Sunday Morning and Bob on Sunday Night. And that went on the month of July 2008.
By the next business meeting in the last Sunday of July, the deacon called for a meeting, and in his mind he said they were going to close the doors of the church. But at the meeting he said, "You can vote Charles in as pastor or we can close the doors."
I really don't know what the vote was, but later I learned that Dorothy voted against me, because of what she heard from a formal pastors wife. And I might say she was right about me. But I will say Dorothy has not missed too many services since then, and he likes me and better my wife Charity.
What I had become as a pastor/teacher was totally different then the two formal pastors. I am not saying they were wrong because they were not, I had just changed my methods and style. They church members were totally not use to my methods of ministry or preaching.
As always, some of those who had left came back to see what kind of preacher I was, and they found me so different that they one by one left. For a few months we were doing really good I thought. And finally the last deacon on the committee and his family left the church
Over the last five years, we have seen a number of old members come for one Sunday and never to return, it was just not like the old church that they left in the first place. And of course many missed Bro. King and Bro. Kelly. And even this last year we have had four families from the old group come and not return.
So why have I stayed at ROJBC, only the Lord knows that for sure. But those who have stayed and voted to keep us as pastor, enjoy coming to church, why I wonder why myself. But I can say I have loved the people who have stayed they are wonderful people.
Five years, and as far as results have been, goodness not much in the way of salvation, baptism and church membership and growth. As a matter of fact we keep going down in attendance I might add.
and as a matter of face one of the members who joined as quit. And at the first of the year our piano and singer left the church. Good grief I say.
So what is keeping us at ROJBC? Should we take another run at year six? What do the members thank? Is the Lord in this ministry?
This year we have had come great services. First Winston Hall came for a Revival and blessed our people so much. Then Alan Harris came for a Sunday and blessed our people. Then Bob Temple came for a few services and bless us. Then Dwayne Haynes and his family came for a Sunday and was a real blessing. In my opinion this has been a really great year for our church.
I hope I am not blind to what is going on in our church, or the lack thereof. Personally it can be a struggle if you look at the attendance, etc. But if you look at those who continue to come, and their growth and their love for each other and their love for the teaching of the word of God, then all this is worth it.
Why there has been no growth or salvation or baptism or church membership you might ask, as well as I will ask myself?
I am sure preachers would have their answers to this? Preach the gospel more. Get out and visit. Put on a Vacation Bible School. Get a bus ministry started. Change your services. Been there and done all this.
But in my spirit as of today, I love been at ROJBC, and really so does Charity. We will pray and see what the Lord is going to do here at ROJBC but we start our sixth year here this Sunday
Check out our website: Rivers of Joy Baptist for some of the events.