I have just spend a good four hours reading and outlining Thabiti Anyabwile posts on "Celertiy and Rock Star Pastors.
I downloaded his post on Word and then outline the matter and read his links.
I had 41 pages by the time I was finish, and download another six, and could have downloaded another 20 (which I will do later)
What makes someone a Celebrity in the first place?
We are in a celebrity culture?
When we thank of a celebrity we think of someone in the movie or TV world. We generally think of someone who is really a celebrity that has really never done anything.
And of course we use terms that we can't really define very well?
I think it was C.S. Lewis who
counseled writers to be sure to choose words and write in such a way that the
reader’s understanding and conclusion can only be what the author meant.
That’s a tall order, but it’s necessary.
Generally when the term "Celebrity Pastor" is used it is used in a negative way. For some reason some don't like to see a Pastor with the celebrity status. So how does a pastor or preacher get such a status as a "celebrity Pastor" any way.
So Thabiti gaves several post on this subject. As I said there are 31 pages and then I added 10 pages of footnotes and references.