While reading from Google Reader today I read two articles on PREACHING. One was from Larry who was quoting from another, which I also read.
I have for the most part of my ministry of preaching used the method of book by book.
When I was a teenager in 1963 in the youth class I taught from Psalms and Revelation.
When I was pastor/teacher at Madison Missionary Baptist Church in Minford Ohio, 1971-73 I taught the book of Hebrews and Revelation.
When I went to First Baptist Church in Altoona, Kansas, 1980-1996 Most of the messages went about 40 to 50 minutes.
- Matthew, Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, (some 80 messages) 1 Thessalonians (first two chapters), Philemon, Revelation, and 1 Timothy (first two chapters). Teaching on Sunday Morning and Sunday Night.
Currently pastor/teacher at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford, Ohio , 2008-currently
- 1 Thessalonians (chapter 1-2). Currently: Philippians (some 45 sermons) (chapter 1 -2) and Romans (chapters 1-2) over the last two years.
I learned from John MacArthur this method. John has preached 40 years at Grace, and 25 years he has taught Matthew, Luke and John. He is in Mark in his 40th year of preaching.
Larry Rogier, pastor, gives three reasons which reflects my reasons from a personal perspective
- It is how God gave the Bible – verse by verse. (Well, not really verse by verse.)
- It forces a pastor to address things he might not otherwise address because, let's face it, it is easier to skip some verses than to preach them, whether because of difficulty (not sure what to say about it) or laziness (don't feel like studying it.)
- It makes my week easier because I know what I am going to preach.
I will add to this list
- It keeps me on a text of scripture and keeps me from getting on one of my pet peeves.
- It keeps me teaching rather than preaching at the people. I am teaching God's word and not mine.
I have no problem in telling people to listen to other preachers: To name just a few.
- John MacArthur
- John Piper
- David Jeremiah
- Charles Stanley
- Chuck Swindoll
- R.C. Sproul
- Jay Adams
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Oliver B. Greene.
In others words I am not the fundamentalist who believes I am the only voice that our membership should ever hear. I would say there are many preachers who I would say are great to learn from. The ones I have mentioned are high profile and easy to find on the web and easy to read their books, and have tapes, or DVD's. Now the Podcast's are becoming a great tool to listen to as well.
But the whole point of preaching the word is to teach God's Word and not my words.
The method is good for me. The method is not as important as the content of the Bible.
While I do not generally preach or teach an Old Testament book, I reference many verses that are in the Old Testament.
Of course I have taught Bible lessons from the whole Bible. Since I do teach Sunday School, or Bible Study. Currently I am teaching from the book of Proverbs.
I do teach subjects as well. Example on Wednesday Night;
- Spiritual Gifts
- Creation
Bible Study Methods