I was able to go back to Roanoke Virginia to preach the funeral of Frances Stultz Pruett (she was a Cooper when I knew here) I was able to visit with my long time play mates, who were Frances children, Buddy, Joyce, and Dolly and some of their family. My heart rejoiced.
I still have Dolly's phone message still on my phone at the office, and I play the message too.
Well, they were in our church when I was growing up, and Dad loved them very much.
Also I was able to learn that Margie Pugh was in town, but was not able to see her, but later I was able to call her on the phone. Her Mom and Dad were just a great part of our church in Roanoke, and we loved them so much.
I received a email from Margie today, and wanted to post what she said about Dad.
- Just thinking Everett's favorite topic was "Sitting on the stool of do nothing." He used this in many a sermon. I can still remember him saying Christians should always be doing something for Christ. He has a job for each of us and each and every job is important. Whither it be helping others, working in the church, teaching, preaching, etc. God did not mean for us to take our salvation and sit on our little stool of do nothing and wait for his coming...He meant for us to carry his word in words, action and deeds to our fellow man.
- I have used this sermon in teaching Sunday school, childrens church, and even in my home when I do lessons for the kids here a couple times a week in the evenings (even the grown-ups like to join in). Daddy particularly liked to join my classes here at the house.