Pearl of Wisdom "Nobody ever says, 'I think I will lie to myself today.' This is the double treachery of self-deception: First we deceive ourselves, and then we convince ourselves that we are not deceiving ourselves." - Lewis Smedes
The term apologetics etymologically derives from the Classical Greek word apologia. In the Classical Greek legal system two key technical terms were employed: the prosecution delivered the kategoria and the defendant replied with an apologia. To deliver an apologia then meant making a formal speech to reply and rebut the charges, as in the case of Socrates' defense.
This Classical Greek term appears in the Koine (i.e. common) Greek of the New Testament. The Apostle Paul employs the term apologia in his trial speech to Festus and Agrippa when he says "I make my defense" (Acts 26:2). A cognate term appears in Paul's Letter to the Philippians as he is "defending the gospel" (Acts 1:7 & 17), and in 1 Peter 3:15 believers must be ready to give an "answer" for their faith. The word also appears in the negative in Romans 1:20: unbelievers are (anapolog‘etoi) (without excuse, defense, or apology) for rejecting the revelation of God in creation.
The legal nuance of apologetics was reframed in a more specific sense to refer to the study of the defense of a doctrine or belief. In this context it most commonly refers to philosophical reconciliation. Religious apologetics is the effort to show that the preferred faith is not irrational, that believing in it is not against human reason, and that in fact the religion contains values and promotes ways of life more in accord with human nature than other faiths or beliefs
What has been your approach as an apologetic in defending
..."ALWAYS be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have..."
1 Peter 3:15
Are you prepared to give the reasons for your faith, as commanded by the Lord?
If you're at all like I used to be, you may be intimidated by the secular culture, which views the Christian Faith as a blind leap and Christians as simple-minded and shallow. Despite growing up in the faith, I always had hard questions, and slowly began to accept the secularist premise that I had to 'shut off my brain' as I went into church.
But instead of withdrawing or giving up, I began an in-depth study of the field of Christian Apologetics - the Defenses of the Faith. The best defenses of the faith is to know the Word of God. What I mean by knowing the Word of God is to study the text verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book, from Genesis to Revelation.
Now some just want to vociferate what they believe, but not really say much about the subject, sort of like Al Sharpton. Then there are the Francis Schaeffer’s, C.S. Lewis, and then John MacArthur ,Jr.
- Of course I like Francis Schaeffer and primarily I like John MacArthur Jr. The best defense of the faith is the Scripture. Now that sounds so Biblical. The task though is anything but easy.
"Love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." Matthew 22:37-38
Have you wanted to study these issues, but just didn't know where to begin? I have been compiling a comprehensive overview of the Christian Faith, some 40 major doctrinal subjects - what we believe and why
Are You Ready To Lead A Group Toward Greater Christian Understanding and Maturity?
The great Philosopher of Religion William Lane Craig described the task succinctly:
"We should know our subject profoundly and share it simply."
The first step in a more confident and mature faith is trust in the Spirit, followed by a regimented program of education and study - this course sets the framework for just that, and enables the teacher to teach with proven and well documented materials. This way we carry on Paul's mandate from the Lord to relay the knowledge of the things of God and:
"...entrust to reliable men who will be qualified to teach others."
2 Timothy 2:2
So, finally, with Paul, we can:
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ"
2 Corinthians 10:5
Drafted by Charles E. Whisnant, and Proof Checked by Charity Whisnant