Saturday, November 05, 2011

Those In Christ are Secure In Christ

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.”
This is one of the greatest statements of the Scripture, of the most important for Christians experience and for spiritual health and even physical health and our well-being as Christian believers.

This is the GOOD NEWS, it’s the way of Saving Faith in Jesus Christ. This is the heart and soul of the Christian gospel.
All that Paul has said in Romans thus far, this verse is a summing up of the great argument about justification.

Why: “Therefore there is…”

The word “therefore” serves to tie the proceeding seven chapters with chapter 8 by serving as a link to everything that Paul has established. In the original this is very emphatic, indicating that what he is about to say is extremely important. It can be translated this way: “So, then, consequently.” I’ve picked just one verse from each of the first seven chapters to remind us where we’ve been…

1.    Romans 1:18 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.”
2.   Romans 2:5: “But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.”
3.    Romans 3:12: “All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”
4.   Romans 4:13: “It was not through law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.”
5.  Romans5:1: “Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men.”
6.   Romans 6:11: “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
7.    Romans 7:24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?”
When: “Now…”
For the born-again believer there is assurance that there will be no judgment to come in the future but I want you to notice that we can and should experience this assurance right now in the present. Therefore there is today no condemnation. If you are redeemed then right now, at this very moment you are secure. One pastor put it this way: “No condemnation means there is neither judgment from God on me, nor annoyance with God with respect to me—neither on the last day nor today!”
Now we’ll add just one word to the phrase we’ve already learned: “Therefore, there is now…” Say it with me.

What: “No condemnation…”

The word “condemn” comes from two Greek words; one which means “down” and the other which means “to judge.” Literally it means to “judge down” and was used of the Roman emperor as he sat on a throne when prisoners were brought before him. As he heard their cases he would either “judge down” or “judge up.” I wonder if that’s where we get the “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” expression. Friend, if you have put your faith and trust in Jesus as you sacrificial substitute, the Almighty Judge gives you a “thumbs up.” God won’t “judge down” because He sent Christ to “come down.” The judgment we deserved settled on the Savior and now God’s blessings “rain down” on us. God has a gavel of grace for the believer as He pronounces this verdict: “No condemnation – you are now a saint, not a sinner; you are not unrighteous because I have declared you righteous.”

Note the words “NOW” 686  and “NO” 3762

·       A  little two letter word “NO”. That little word has a wonderful meaning in this context.  Mean “it is entire, it is complete, it is absolute.

·       Not even one shall be condemned to hell who is in Christ Jesus.
·       “Not even one therefore now adverse judgment and resultant punishment to those in Christ Jesus.”

The elect of God, those whose name has been written down before the foundation of the world will be saved. And not only will they be born again, they will be kept  saved. How? There is NO condemnation brought  against them.  Every believer in Christ Jesus will be saved forever.  Becaue God has declared the saved person saved, and free from the curse of the Law.
You can fall, but you’re not condemned. You can struggle, but you’re not condemned.  You can stray off the path, but you are not condemned because God has said He will not condemn those who are in Christ Jesus.

God is not going to discard any believer because of struggling in life.

Listen every “Christian” NOW and for ever will never be brought into condemnation. There is no kind of act whereby a Christian can get himself in that he will be so judgment as to lost his salvation.

Your POSITION, your standing with Christ, your status with Christ, can never again come under condemnation. You can’t be brought under sentence, conviction, disapproval, blame and you can’t be censure again for your sin.

Listen you get this in your brain, you mind, your thinking. Don’t let the devil put past sins in your head and mind and allow it to bring you down in your spirit. You should never feel or believe you will again be under the curse of the Law. Do not allow yourself to feel it.

Listen if the devil comes to you and tries to convict you, and to make you feel that you are condemned, stand up and say, “THERE IS THEREFORE NOW NO CONDEMNATION TO THEM WHICH ARE IN CHRIST JESUS.”

Most of Christian’s trouble with life is to allow themselves to believe that  due to some sin they have committed in the past, 10 years ago that somehow they are put back under condemnation. WRONG.

In this sense you cannot “fall away.” In this sense there is “no falling away,” from grace. It cannot happen. NO CONDEMNATION” IS JUST THAT. It is an absolute word, How many preachers are trying to detract from it.  

Theologican call this doctrine: “The Final Perseverance of the saints.”

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