Thursday, December 06, 2007

Charles E. Whisnant
part 1

I picked up the Citizens’ Newspaper, Scioto edition 12 05 07 and read an article on "Embracing Technology: The Digital Divide." In reading this article here is a quote from Billy Graham:
  • "Why are we as Christian Americans still celebrating the invention of the printing press when we have today’s mass media?"
  • The article points out: "throughout church history technological advancements have had significant influence on the life and work of the church." Church as we know it today will be effective only as we learn how to use these new technology methods.
  • This line of thought directed me to Google search "Digital Technology". One article: "Digital Technology and its Impact on how Education," And another article "DTV" is COMING (AND SOONER THAN YOU THINK) By February 17, 2009 the FCC will require digital broadcasting.
  • I had a need to tell someone about this information I had just read.

Earlier last week I was reading Albert Mohler’s commentary on For Toddlers, Toy of Choice Is Tech Device. Then I received an e-mail from Wal Mart about buying toys for preschoolers. I had this need to give this information to parents

I wrote an article about what I had been reading on my blog.

Earlier on Monday and Tuesday I was all over the www. I do that a lot. I was writing an article on the Blogger, then having Charity proof read the material. Then I sent an E-Mail to a list of people about this article(s), telling them to view the articles on my blog site

As I am doing all this writing and research, and downloading articles of interest, I am saying to myself, "why am I doing all this?" Why do I feel and think and have the desire to assimilate all this material, and why do I desire to communicate this learning to others?

I am sixty years old, and have been teaching and preaching and communicating the Word of God since I was sixteen years old. I am not ready for the rocki n’ chair yet. There is this internal clock that is humming in my soul and heart each minute of the day. There is this motivation to learn and then to tell someone else what I have learned. This has been the situation as long as I can remember.

This idea of communicating is okay if you have an outlet, like pastoring a church, or teaching a Bible class, or holding some position in the local church or have some other ministry outside the local church.

Pastor Frank who is pastor of the church I currently attend was right when he said, "Charles, I don’t think you are going to be happy until you are pastoring a church." He is not so happy that I am trying to help him pastor the church he is called to pastor. The church pays him very well to do so. And the church has an associate who is well paid to help the senior pastor. The church has three other lay elders and six deacons. Also, as of this year they have six small groups with the pastors/elders teaching them. The church has two adult classes with two other teachers besides the Pastor and Associate.

So I tell myself, and they tell me the same, the church doesn’t need another pastor or teacher! The church should be well equipped to serve and teach the membership all they need to become "full grown saints."

So what am I to do with my forty year old spiritual gift?

Next , stay tune.



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