Comprehend more of the Word of God, by more research into the meaning of the text.
Continue to study the Doctrines of the Word, by reading more.
Church leadership study, learning biblically
Choices that will help develop my character
Clarify better my understanding of life
Coffee never gets old
Cogitate, discipline, to ponder or meditate
Collection of Nascar Dale Earnhardt Sr.
Communication skills, verbal and written
Cross of Christ
Christ glorified
Contemplate a number of blogs
Confiscate Information, keeping informed though and the weblog.
Church ministry in the area of our calling.
Coherent and organized form of writing
Commitment to learn how to do better research in writing
Create a relationship with readers that they want to read what I have to say.
Charity is a wonderful, beautiful, lovely lady of 38 years
Drafted by Charles E. Whisnant, Checked by Charity Whisnant