Friday, November 03, 2006

part four
Part Two of this lesson
I taught at First Baptist Church in Altoona, Kansas 2006

While these verses speak of Israel’s deliverance from exile, (Isaiah 52:1-6). The greater aspect of this text is speaking to the New Testament when we see it fulfilled in the redemption which shall be accomplished by Jesus Christ who has become our Kinsman-Redeemer by means of His incarnation and His atonement.

In the NT note Mark’s remarks about the Gospel.

Mark 1:1 The beginning of the gospel <2098> of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;

Is this the gospel of Jesus Christ, or the gospel about Jesus Christ, or the gospel that Jesus Christ preached? Well, Mark is recounting the story of Jesus Christ preaching the gospel about Himself.

Note the work "The beginning of the gospel". When was the beginning of the gospel? Now here is where I want to study a little deeper and have a greater understanding. Reading this text, it would seem at first glance that the beginning of the gospel begins at the beginning of Mark.

Note Mark 1:2 Mark quotes from Isaiah 40:3. It seems then that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is as it is written in Isaiah the prophet.

The ongoing story in which the Gospel of Mark is located.....has its roots in divine promises of liberation of Israel from bondage of exile as this is related by the prophet Isaiah..
The hope that Isaiah gave the people in Isaiah 40 was hope of deliverance from the bondage of exile. This was not only from the current exile that Israel was in but a real exile from the bondage that would take place through the work of Jesus Christ in His life, death and resurrection, whereby He inaugurated the kingdom of God, which we live with the hope of His return, when He will fully bring about the New Heaven and New Earth. Believers can partially experience that reality in the church today as members of the "new creation" 2 Cor 5:17.

  • Tim Keller says in his paper "What is the Gospel?"
    "The Gospel is that Jesus died and rose for us. If the historical events of His life did not happen, then Christianity does not ‘work’. For the good news is that God has entered the human ‘now’ (history) with the life of the world to come."
    Thus the Gospel is the life of Jesus Christ, lived, on our behalf, both in His active and passive obedience, including His death, resurrection, ascension and session at the right hand of God Himself.

So Tim Keller says, "The term gospel" and Jesus Christ are treated as synonymous. To declare the gospel and to declare Jesus is the same thing." "Jesus does not bring the gospel - He is the gospel—because the gospel is that God has broken into history and accomplished everything necessary for our salvation."

Now you will note also that the gospel is often referred to as "the gospel of the kingdom" (Luke 16:15, Matt 4:23 and 24:14) The gospel is the message about the Kingdom of God entering into this world through the ministry of Jesus Christ on our behalf.
Then the question becomes, how does one enter into this kingdom:?
  • Matthew 18:3? And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    How do I become a part of the new creation?
  • 2Co 5:17 Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
    What must I do to be saved?
  • Ac 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
  • Well the answer: "Repent and believe the gospel". Mark 1:15.

So the question we bring up is this:
How does the Gospel become real in our lives? i..e. The topic of redemption applied.

The application next:

Drafted by Charles E. Whisnant, June 2006 First Baptist Church, Altoona, Kansas Approved by Charity Whisnant, November 01 06 Posted Nov 04 2006

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