PERSONAL STORY AND LIFE OF CHARLES E WHISNANT FAMILY . Life is growing and learning every day, every experience gives us new wisdom and insight into giving God the glory.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
We often want to feel comfortable about what we believe, you know. We want a theology that will appease our human sensitivities. Therefore we try to make God to be what He is not. And we try to fit our thinking into what we would want God to do.
We want to believe that that God will not exclude anyone because he happened to be born at the wrong place and at the wrong time. And we want to believe that scripture does not automatically assign the unevangelized to endless hell. We want to believe that if a person as never heard the gospel that person still could be saved.
Saturday, May 29, 2010

This Sunday May 30, 2010 I am going to address this issue from my series in Romans 2.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Beautfiul Tress
When You Read The Scripture IT IS God speaking
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Preaching/Teacher on the Wrath of God
“Those who still believe in the wrath of God (not all do) say little about it; perhaps they do not think much about it. To an age which has unashamedly sold itself to the gods of greed, pride, sex and self-will, the church mumbles on about God’s kindness but says virtually nothing about his judgment. How often during the past year did you hear, or, if you are a minister, did you preach, a sermon on the wrath of God? How long is it, I wonder, since a Christian spoke straight on this subject on radio or television, or in one of those half-column sermonettes that appear in some national dailies and magazines? (And if one did so, how long would it be before he would be asked to speak or write again?) The fact is that the subject of divine wrath has become taboo in modern society, and Christians by and large have accepted the taboo and conditioned themselves never to raise the matter.”
–J.I. Packer, Knowing God, 148–149.
So would you consider teaching from the book of Romans chapter one and two over the last year as preaching on the wrath of God?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Eugene D. (Gene) Arnold Pastor and Preacher

Gene Arnold preached my father's funeral February 1966. And I was a brief member of the church in 1966 before I went to Seminary.
I was 17 years old when I preached on the radio program for Bro. Arnold. I preached at the church several times.
He was preceded in death by his loving, devoted wife of 67 years, Elizabeth Shelton Arnold. He was born August 27, 1920, to the late Pete and Lilian Arnold. He will be sadly missed by his caregiver, Brenda Vaughan and her husband Ray, who grew to love him like a father. Rev. Arnold was pastor of Grace Baptist Temple in Roanoke from 1947-1952.
In 1952 he organized Fellowship Baptist Church in Roanoke, "The Star City of the South". He served as the pastor there for 26 years and went into evangelism after his retirement. He was the foundation of many local pastors and missionaries all over the Roanoke Valley and the United States. Rev. Arnold was a firm believer in the radio ministry. In his early ministry, he was with the WROV Radio Station. He was the original gospel broadcaster when WKBA opened and broadcasted seven days a week until his retirement in 1978. He continued a weekday broadcast through Fellowship Baptist Church until 2007. He was also known for his tent revival ministry all over the Shenandoah Valley. Rev. Arnold loved the gospel. He stayed faithful to his church, attending every service until his health began to fail at age 87. He was a resident at Springtree Health and Rehab at his death. He always made the comment about the good care he received. Thanks, Springtree!
In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Fellowship Baptist Church Building Fund. A service celebrating his life will be conducted at 11 a.m., Thursday, May 27, 2010, at Fellowship Baptist Church, 929 Murray Avenue, SE with the Rev. Mark Manning, the Rev. Willie Weaver, the Rev. Olander English and the Rev. Mike Ward officiating. Interment will follow at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. Friends may call at the Lotz Vinton Chapel from 3 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, May 26, 2010. Online condolences can be made at www.lotzfuneral Arrangements by Lotz Vinton Chapel.
I Corinthians 1 :22-24 For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
When we say God calls, we mean the work of God that unlocks our eyes to see Christ as the right and true and wise and all knowing, and the call is so compelling that we receive Him for salvation. God’s call is His life-giving order or instruction with authority. Come. If you are a believer today, that is how you came to be a believer, a Christian, or became born again,. This is how you got saved.
Now what this call of God will produce in you is exactly what is called for. In other words. God called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. The call my friend was effective, that is causing result; the desired result happened. I can tell you when God gives a call to you, it will produce what it calls for.
It is like someone comes over to you when you are in a dead sleep, and gives you a command to wake up. And you know how it is, you leap upright. In other words, when you hear the command or the call of God in your ear, you did not ponder and then decide to wake up. When God calls, you woke up. The command was “wake up” and that is what happens. That is how God raises us up from spiritual death. Only God can do it, and you know if you are a believer that is how you became a believer. That is what Ephesians 2:4 says, that God made us alive when we were dead. The truth was, you were about to sleep yourself into hell, and our gracious God woke you up to the cruelty of sin and the loveliness of a great Savior.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We often say "Our church is struggling to keep its doors open." I was thinking about that this morning.
So how are we to view the health of our churches? How do we know if the church is healthy and alive?
Most of us look first at the attendance. We look at the members who are attending the church regularly on Sunday, Sunday Night or Wednesday Night. We might look at the offering. We might look to see if we have visitors. We might look at the number of people who have been saved and baptized, While all of these might be a good sign as to the health of the church, there might be other reasons as well.
There might be reasons the attendance is not growing, and the offering is noT high and the number of visitors are not flowing in as we would like.
Of course the church could be falling apart and we are trying to find signs of life too.
Setting aside the fact the attendance is not growing, and as a matter of fact is declining, and the number of visitors are slow, and the number of salvation and baptisms is really slow, how would we view the health of the church?
In many cases you would say this church is really not healthy.
But there might be reasons for all this decline in the church that might not be necessarily a bad sign to the health of the church overall.
- Biblical Foundational Principles that are giving the church direction
- Biblical Goals that are designed to help your church body become strong Christians
- Biblical Teaching/Preaching.
- Church members who are engaged in the ministry of their spiritual gifts.
- Leadership who are engaged in caring for the church body as good undershepherds of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- A church that cares about its members, its property, and community, and getting out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Biblical teaching of the Word of God in all classes in the Sunday School/Bible Fellowship
- A whole lot of "one anothers" being carried out in the Body of Christ.
- The worship of the Lord will bring joy to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Members are caught up in the moment of serving the Lord with their spiritual gifts
- There is a joy in the worship of the Lord in the singing, testimony and hearing of the Word of God.
- There is a sense that when we leave a Bible Study, (on a Sunday Morning, or Wednesday Night) we have learned some principles that will help us grow if we apply them to our lives.
- We sense in our hearts that following a worship service, that our hearts and minds have been refreshed, and we have grown in the knowledge of the Lord.
- The praise and worship and the singing has been lifted up to the Lord
- The preaching and teaching of the Word of God has been clear, and has pointed us to a wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- The preaching and teaching has been given with love and power.
- The preacher has been fully prepared in his teaching of the Word of God.
- The singing and music program has been prepared fully to give praise to the Lord.
Well, just a thought.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Ad-hOMENEM Baptist Are So Good At This At times
Ad-hominem* attack upon anyone who would stand up and say "Dr. Caner must answer these questions for the sake of the integrity of his position and the work of the gospel" is the name of the game. I have rarely seen the kind of vitriol spewed my direction as I have over the past few months since this issue arose. And, as normal, the primary purveyors of hatred and insult have been Baptists. This has been my experience for twenty years now: no one, and I mean no one, outside of rank, God-hating atheists, can out-do a Baptist when it comes to acting in the most non-Christian ways
*Appealing to people’s emotions and prejudices instead of their ability to think
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Driving to Rivers of Joy Baptist Church Today

2 Peter 3:1-6; 3:7-9 3:10-14; 3:15-17 Sermon tonight will be How will the end of the World come about. Part One
Use your spiritual grace gifts
Give Thanks
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Timothy The Models For Christian Service
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
God's Standard of Judgment Video
Romans 2:6-10) God will judge the moralist because their works also fall short of God's perfect standard.
Charles E. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher: May 16, 2010
Psalms 56
Psalms 56:7-12
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Rivers of Joy Baptist Church

How do we know at the end of the day and evening that God has been pleased, and has accepted our worship? How do we know that we have experience a good worship and teaching service?
Sunday in our Adult Bible Teaching Time
Well, I asked the question: What Do You Think or Know about Biblical Separation? So course the members present didn't really have a clue. But by the end of the session, we really had a great discussion on the topic.
Sunday Morning Worship Service:
Again, we were blessed with a small group of people who come to worship and sing, and listen to the preaching/teaching of the Word. I am not so sure about what it really means "the Spirit just took over our service" but this day, there seemed to be this attitude in the minds of me and the people who were there.
The music by Bill and Johnny was just great. There was a great spirit present between these two.
The reading of Psalms 56:1-5; 56:6-8; 56:9-13 was really a blessing.
My message from Romans 2:8-10 came from a good study of the text, and I really had the freedom to speak. Charity said it was the best she has heard me in some time.
Following the message, Johnny Edwards had a wonderful closing message in song.
Sunday Night Study
Good service: Pauline and Johnny had a very special song, Broken Pieces, and we were all blessed.
I enjoyed the freedom to speak from Philippians 2:19-24 Paul gives am example of a model servant in TIMOTHY. Timothy gives us a model on how to flesh out the principles Paul gives us to live the Christian life.
So I pray that the Lord was pleased with our desire to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Reason For The Sixty Six Books of the Bible

Scripture. The sixty-six books of the Protestant canon, in their original writings, comprise the verbally inspired, inerrant Word of God.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Gospel By Jonathan Edwards
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3
The gospel announces that God is not what we think. God has no swagger, no pride, no bluff, no defensive face-saving, no pushing to the head of the line — what this whole world is made of. God is humble. He does nothing from rivalry, though we picked a fight with him, nor conceit, though we puffed ourselves up against him. God made himself nothing, took the form of a servant, humbled himself in obedience all the way to death on the cross. For us. That gospel doctrine in the Bible creates a gospel culture in a church.
Gospel doctrine – gospel culture = hypocrisy.
Gospel culture – gospel doctrine = fragility.
Gospel doctrine + gospel culture = power.
In one of the most beautiful passages I know of outside the Bible, Jonathan Edwards distinguishes gospel culture from non-gospel culture:
“Spiritual pride is the main door by which the devil comes into the hearts of those who are zealous for the advancement of Christianity. It is the chief inlet of smoke from the bottomless pit, to darken the mind and mislead the judgment. It is the main source of all the mischief the devil introduces, to clog and hinder a work of God.
Spiritual pride tends to speak of other persons’ sins with bitterness or with laughter and levity and an air of contempt. But pure Christian humility rather tends either to be silent about these problems or to speak of them with grief and pity. Spiritual pride is very apt to suspect others, but a humble Christian is most guarded about himself. He is as suspicious of nothing in the world as he is of his own heart. The proud person is apt to find fault with other believers, that they are low in grace, and to be much in observing how cold and dead they are and to be quick to note their deficiencies. But the humble Christian has so much to do at home and sees so much evil in his own heart and is so concerned about it that he is not apt to be very busy with other hearts. He is apt to esteem others better than himself.”
Jonathan Edwards, Works (Edinburgh, 1979), I:398-400. Style updated.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Rivers of Joy Baptist Wednesday Night May 12, 2010

State Route 139 and 62 Shady Lane
Minford, Ohio Phone 820-8688
Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant
Assoc. Pastor Bill Bower
MAY 12, 2010
Tonight our special guest is:
Susan Moore
Deputation: Chile
Sunday Night Grandkids
Peggy and John Hall
Janet Ramey Dorothy Fields
Frankie Dawkins
Grand Parents and Great Grand Parents bringing their wonderful babies to church.
Now tell me do we not like babies!
Pastor Charles is in the Office each day from 9 a.m. to around 5 p.m. Call for an appointment for special counseling. Otherwise drop in to visit.
The Water Company fixed the parking lot broken cement last week.
Rupp Agency church insurance has been abridged to about $1,812 per year.
Campbell and Heating Co. has checked our buildings heating and air system, and has fixed some of the problems, and will work on others.
Jimmy Grants surgery went well last week.
Offering last week: $913.42
Attendance last week: Twenty-five.
- Websites:
- also church's
- email
- email
Please be in prayer for Missionary Saundra (Henderson) Temple, this week.
"We are trying to be several selves at once, without all our selves being organized by a single, mastering Life within us. Each of us tends to be, not a single self, but a whole committee of selves. There is the civic self, the parental self, the financial self, the religious self, the society self, the professional self, the literary self. And each of our selves is in turn a rank individualist, not cooperative but shouting out his vote loudly for himself when the voting time comes. . . . We are not integrated. We are distraught. We feel honestly the pull of many obligations and try to fulfill them all. And we are unhappy, uneasy, strained, oppressed, and fearful we shall be shallow. For over the margins of life comes a whisper, a faint call, a premonition of richer living which we know we are passing by."
Thomas R. Kelly, A Testament of Devotion (New York, 1941), pages 114-115.
Spiritual Service involves our Spiritual gifts. If we are to have a healthy church body of believers we need you to use your grace abilities and an element of sacrifice in serving would be good.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Johnny Edwards Singing At Rivers of Joy Baptist Church
Johnny Edwards singing ROJBC 05 09 10 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.
Johnny Edwards singing Sunday at ROJBC 05 09 10
Two great songs from Johnny Sunday Evening.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Our Response In Tribulation and Distress
A pictures finding oneself in a "tight corner", hemmed in with no way out, in a narrow strait without the possibility of escape.
• might be used of an army caught in a narrow, rocky defile with space neither to maneuver nor to escape. It might be used of a ship caught in a storm with no room either to ride it or to run before it. There are moments when a man seems to be in a situation in which the walls of life are closing round him -- that is the picture inherent in stenochoria. The opposite state, of being in a large place, was metaphorically used to describe a state of joy as in Ps 118:5 (Spurgeon's note) where the psalmist writes
From my distress I called upon the LORD. The LORD answered me and set me in a large place.
- Romans 2:9 There will be tribulation (thlipsis) and distress for every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek,
- Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation (thlipsis) , or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
- 2Corinthians 6:4 but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions (thlipsis) , in hardships, in distresses,
- 2Corinthians 12:10 Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
The church and the preacher
It is certainly true that not everyone in the church would agree with the pastor on his theological position and teachings in the Bible. The local church should look like a Biblical church I agree. The local church should reflect the teaching of the Scripture for sure. And as a pastor I would like the programs and ministries and church worship service reflect Biblical teaching.
Over the years as pastor/teacher I have tried to oversee the ministries of the church and see that they reflect what I believe to be in line with what I am teaching. It's true that God gives the Elders of the church the responsibility to oversee the ministries of the church. The goal has been that if I hold a position as to what would reflect a biblical ministry I would seek to see that would happen. What I have tried to do has been to teach the principles that would give direction to a right kind of ministry and then allow the leaders of ministries to fulfill them.
When I first started out in ministry and as a pastor, I thought it was my responsibility to control the way any ministry was to be. I would point out the type of music that was to be sung,
I would make sure of the version of the Bible that was to be readand the lessons in the Sunday School had to be a certain way.
I would point out the type of clothes people were to wear in the choir.
I would point out how people were to be if they were to teach a Sunday School class. I was a little control freak or was I being responsible?
Today I am not quite as bad as I use to be. So does this mean that I have lightened up, or changed my mind? Do I really need to control every part of a ministry? While I am responsible for the church, just how should I see that every ministry is without the Biblical guidelines? Good question.
As an illustration, what if I do not agree with something a youth pastor would want to do? Let's say as an illustration that he wants to sing praise songs, with a little beat and with drums? So how should I respond?
So the Youth Pastor or the Choir Directory wants to put on a musical that is like Jesus Christ Superstar of the 60's? Or they want to put on a Star War production, or they want to sing Southern Gospel or even maybe "Christian Rock or Rap Music?"
What if a teacher wants to read out of the ESV or the NASV or even the NIV?
There is some ignoring of heteropathy for the sake of the expository preaching.
Is the Bible the one fully-sufficient source for all we need to know as Christians?
Note the careful wording. It doesn't deny that other resources can be helpful, be they creeds or commentaries or books or sermons. Nor does it assert that everything that can be known or that needs to be known on other subjects, is in the Bible. It simply asks whether the Bible is the one genuinely and truly sufficient source to teach us all we need to know, as Christians.
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"For God" John 3:16 from cwhisnant on Vimeo .