Saturday, August 03, 2024

Understanding God’s Attributes

1) Understanding Gods attributes as revealed in His Word is essential for your spiritual well being.
You must know God, not as you may conceive Him to be or wish Him to be, but as He has revealed Himself in the Bible. I’ve heard professing Christians say, "My God is not a God of judgment; He’s a God of love." That’s nice, but your God is not the God of the Bible! He is a figment of your own imagination! The God of the Bible is both a God of judgment and of love. Or, there are Christians who dodge a difficult chapter like Romans 9, where Paul says of God (Ro 9:18), "So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires." They don’t want to conceive of God as having the sovereign right to save whom He chooses and to harden others in their sin. But to dodge what the Bible says about God is to make God in your own image, which is idolatry.

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