Thursday, January 31, 2013

Staff Member Leaves the Church and Granddaughter

 When you lose your good friend after four 1/2 years you are sad, for a lack of a better word. Johnny has been a part of Rivers of Joy Baptist Church for almost 6 years and has done a good job as for playing and singing for us each Sunday.  Johnny was a blessing to me as well as to the church family. But there are those times when you might feel the need to leave the church.  I am not sure why Johnny wanted to leave the church, but we are still friends and he and Phyllis are welcome to come back anytime they desire.
Last Sunday my granddaughter AGW (Eric and Leslie daughter)  was our guest.  She is the one in the blue.  They love to showoff. 

Isaiah Chapter 8

The Waters of Shiloah That Go Softly

Isaiah 8
January 23, 2013
Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher/Learner

1A       God meant something by this child: Maher-shalah Hashbaz
2A       God has a meaning of His own with every life.
            1C       God has a set of books written by His pen. When writing to men, Isaiah used man’s pen.
            2C       A few words in our memory, will serve as handles by which we take hold of more.
3C       God speaks in few words, it takes for less words to get a though across, the for man to explain those few words. Revelation from God put in our minds requires much meditation.
3A       A custom of naming the children from passing events is by no means news, the Hebrews choice names for specific events.
1C       Hebrews named children with a future in mind. Realzing that pasts battles are no sign of pture victory, if we lose our faith in God.
ISAIAH CHAPTER 8:5-8:  The Waters of Shiloah That Go Softly
1A       They refused the water of Shiloah:
            1B       Mount Moriah, “the hill of the Lord.”  The hill on which the Teple was built.
1C       The spring is said to have risen within the very precincts of the Temple And to have supplied its courts and cisterns with the abundant water required for its innumerable washing and sacrifices.
2C       They rise and flow without noise or turbulence.
            2B       They abused the stream of mercies.
                        1C       By Rejection.
                        2C       By Presumption
We abuse God’s mercy when we allow it not to inspire us with unshaken confidence in His protecting love and power.
            3B       Shiloah: A type of gospel grace and gospel influences.
                        1C       Filtered clear water from Temple-rock.
                        2C       For a  time ran its unseen course underground: grace.
                        3C       Then it sparkled out and along a broad band into  100 tiny courses  till it reached the gardens and the vineyards beyond.

                        1A       _________________did not elate Him.
                        2A       _________________did not bewilder Him.
                        3A       _________________did not ruffle Him.
                        4A       He was never ____________________
                        5A       He was never ____________________
CHRIST WAS A POWERFUL SWAY ON EARTH: But how He manifested it was not by:
                        1A       The flaunt of a ___________________
                        2A       The beat of the ___________________
                        3A       King, yes, but did not lift up His _______________
                        4A       Tumult and confusion He experienced, it was in His circumstances not ______
                        5A       The idea of life in a picture:
                                    1B       ______________________
                                    2B       ______________________
                                    3B       ______________________
                                    4B       ______________________
                        6A       Which is your choice: The Jewish choice: To pitch by the river of Assyria.
                                    1B       Example men follow:
                                                1C       God’s men or world’s men
                                    2B       The principles and the agencies they rely on:
                                                1C       The unobtrusive and gracious vs. those that are pretentious and human
                                                2C       We want success – How do we seek it.
                                                3C       WE seek agencies to depend on that are choices that will be wrong.
                                    3B       The modes of religion we adopt.


Isaiah Chapter 8 outline

I.                 Jehovahs address to the people of Judah through Isaiah (8:1-4):

A. The great tablet (8:1).
1. Isaiah was to write upon the tablet For Mahershalalhashbaz(8:1).
2. Mahershalalhashbaz means, The spoil speedeth, the prey hastens(Margin of
B. Witnesses were to be used to prove that Isaiah wrote this prophecy long before
the events came to pass (8:2). Those witnesses were:
1. Uriah the priest. Uriah was the one who would latter gratify the heathen
desires of Ahaz by fashioning an idol of the Syrian god (II Kings 16:10ff).
2. Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah.
C. In addition to the great tabletbearing the words For Mahershalalhashbaz,
Isaiah was to go to his wife and have a son whom they were to name
Mahershalalhashbaz(8:3). Written and living proof that God would perform
the terrible prophecies of chapter seven.
D. Furthermore, Isaiah was to give a time frame. Israel and Syria would be
defeated by Assyria before Mahershalalhashbaz knew how to say My father, and,
my mother(8:4).
1. Such abilities in infants occur usually after two to three years.
2. History reveals that Pekah was defeated and Israel carried into captivity by
Tiglath-pileser and then Damascus was besieged and taken in the year 732

II. The consequences of Judahs rejection of Jehovahs warning (8:5-10):

A. Judah had refused the waters of Shiloah (8:6).
1. The clear little brook a pleasant sight to the eye as it issues from the ravine
which run between the south-western slope of Moriah and the south-eastern
slope of Mount Zion is used here as a symbol of the Davidic monarchy
enthroned upon Zion, which had the promise of God, who was enthroned
upon Moriah, in contrast with the imperial or world kingdom, which is
compared to the overflowing waters of the Euphrates.24
2. This stream, ever so clear and pure, representing Jehovahs presence, purity,
and power, did not compare in size with the great river Euphrates; hence, the
people disdained it.25
3. Moriah was separated from Mount Zion by the Tyropoeon valley.26
B. Judah would experience short-lived joy in the Assyrians defeating Rezin and
Pekah (8:6).
C. The overflowing of the Euphrates River that would overwhelm Ephraim
completely and flood Judah represented Assyria (8:7-8).
D. Though God would call the nations of the world to destroy Israel and Judah, they
were to take heed as well. God would break them in pieces (8:9-10).

II.               Give no heed to the people of Judah nor their evil ways (8:11-15):

A. Isaiah was encouraged not to conduct himself as the evil people of Judah who
put their trust in Assyria (8:11).
24 Ibid. Pg. 151
25 Haily, H. A Commentary on Isaiah; pg. 94
26 Smith, W. Smiths Bible Dictionary; pg. 417


Isaiah 8:14-16  January 30 2013
To understand chapter 7 we must consider the historical events occurring. Ahaz wasm the twelfth king of Judah from 742 BC to 727 BC. During the reign of Ahaz, Pekah was reigning in Israel (The Northern Kingdom). Pekah’s reign overlapped Ahaz’s father Jotham. Jotham, son of Uzziah, reigned in his father’s place for 16 years. He di  that which was right, yet the high places of idolatry remained (II Kings 15:34-35). Jotham was responsible for fortifying even further the city of Jerusalem and keeping the Ammonites in check (II Chron. 27:3ff). It was during the days of Jotham that the Syrians had recovered from the earlier defeats from Jeroboam II (II Kings 14:28) and the Assyrian army under the leadership of Pul. Assyria had engaged in trouble with the Babylonians and were somewhat weakened at this point, which gave Syria a chance to recuperate. With the alliance of Israel, the two nations (Syria and Israel) marched on Judah (II Kings 15:37). Ahaz, son of Jotham, reigned in Judah after his father for 16 years. Rezin, King of Syria and Pekah, King of Israel continued their attacked on Ahaz. Ahaz called for help from Tiglath-pileser (II Kings 16:10). Ahaz offered the king of Assyria all the treasures from the temple of Jehovah for help, and Tiglath-pileser agreed. The King of Assyria attacked  Damascus, the capital of Syria and killed Rezin, King of Syria.

Ahaz had Urijah, the high priest, fashion a god after the pattern of the Syrians (II Kings 16:10-16). He afterwards worshipped the Syrian god. He sacrificed his children in fire to other gods and even closed the doors of the temple of Jehovah (II Chron. 28:24). It was during these days that Isaiah the prophet came to Ahaz and offerred help from Jehovah against the alliance of Syria and Israel. Ahaz rejected Jehovah’s offer and sealed the fate of Judah.

I. Jehovah’s address to the people of Judah through Isaiah (8:1-4):

II. The consequences of Judah’s rejection of Jehovah’s warning (8:5-10):
A. Judah had refused the waters of Shiloah (8:6).
III. Give no heed to the people of Judah nor their evil ways (8:11-15):
A. Isaiah was encouraged not to conduct himself as the evil people of Judah who put their trust in Assyria (8:11).
B. Secondly, Jehovah told Isaiah not to fear their cries of conspiracy. Isaiah would suffer the same derision as Amos as he spoke out against Israel (Amos 7:10). Jeremiah suffered the same derision (Jer. 18:18-23).
C. God’s people today need to keep warning in the face of opposition (Acts 20:28-

Those who in the time of difficulty and temptation sacrifice principle and expediency and abandon the clear path of duty for a course which may seem to lead to some greater immediate advantage must not be surprise if the penalty which they ultimately have to pay be a severe one.
Well I know it is wrong, but for the immediate relief I just allow it. Truly is not a good idea.
Vs. 13: Sanctify the LORD of host Himself:   Is to believe:   Absolute trust in the protecting care of the living God.
“Let Him be your fear.” Those who know most of God and His attributes will most “fear” not His anger, but simply His amazing greatness.
Fear is generated by unbelief and unbelief is strengthen by fear.  Matthew 8:26.  Psalms 53:5, 1 Peter 4:19; 2 Timothy 1:12 and Proverbs 16:3
It is my resignation of all to God, and acting faith upon His promise: Romans 8:28; Psalms 91:15, Isaiah 27:8 and Revelation 7:17.  Distraction of mind in duty:
To faint for fear:  Abraham: Genesis 20:2, 17, Isaacs: Genesis 26:7. Peter: Matthew 26:69. Proverbs 29:25
FEAR:  makes men impatient of waiting God’s  time and method  of deliverance and so drives the soul in to the snare of the next temptation.
Vs. 14  “And He shall be for a sanctuary:”
A place where you may receive security:  Psalms 17:1-2; 46:1,11; Proverbs 18:10; Isaiah 4:6; 26:1,2, 30.
The Christian’s greatest danger is unbeliefor unfaithfulness to God, which would make him lost for a time the means of safety and victory.
GOD is our hiding place God is our refuge and rest.  God is our dwelling place.
1.     I am hungry, He is bread
2.     I am thirsty, He is water
3.     I am faint, He is wine
4.     I am heated in the way; He is a rock-shadow, in a wearily land.
This is one of a group of three “stone” passages which are seen in various combinations in the N.T.  as prophecies of Jesus (Isaiah 28:16; Psalms 118:22. Jesus, Himself, used them to refer to the Jewish leaders who had rejected Him. Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10,11; Luke 20:17. 
Peter addressing some of the same group, employed one of the verses to explain who Jesu was (Acts 4:11) and later he connected all three with the fact that Christians are living stones in a spiritual house (I Peter 2:6-8).
Paul referred to two of the passages to give the reason why the Jews as a rule missed out on righteousness, but many Gentiles did not Romans 9:33. Significantly, the ONE referred to in vs. 14 is Yahweh (Jehovah), so the application regarded Jesus as a part of the Godhead; not simply as a man.
Vs 15 Many shall stumble and fall, and be broken and be snared
            Matthew 21:44; Romans 9; 32 and 11:25.
Vs 16 Bind up the testimony.
I will seal up my message, and let my teaching be kept secret and my words be given to my disciples only. 
TODAY:  we should, by searching the scriptures and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, ascertain what truths and duties are contained in them and carefully preserve and maintain these like that which is bound up and sealed.

Friday, January 18, 2013

If God Gives You A Sign We Better Take Heed

Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher

Generally speaking many people believe in obeying the laws of the land and to live their lives orderly.  They prefer these things, but do not want to give God credit.  Christians say, “It was the Lord that enabled us to have these things.” The unbeliever will say, “God had nothing to do with anything, we were the ones who accomplished what we have done.” “We can do good without believing in God.”  By the way this is the attitude of most of the world today.
There are people in the world who are worldly , who want to be known as believers, but intent to do nothing about it. It is sanctimoniousness rather than real spiritual interest.
Belief requires faith.  Faith is a divine word.  Only divine faith will bring about a human sense of hope and belief.  And only faith can quiet the restless of the spirit.  Our hope is build on nothing less than the righteousness of Jesus Christ, all other is on sinking sand.
God’s promises are not at all times easily steadily and firmly believed.
God’s Word cannot profit unless it be mixed with faith in those who hear it.
Faith is a biblical principle. Faith brings God and places Him before us.
Faith appropriates:  i.e. enables us to rejoice when we are in any circumstances.
God deserves to be believed: Why?
1.      He is God and being God He cannot lie
2.      His Word always has been true.
3.      He has no motive for being untrue.
4.      The honour of God is involved in His genuineness.
1.      They believe other things.
2.      They believe in themselves
3.      They are stubbornly fitted on themselves
4.      They demand this and that of God.

1.      A fair index of the heart.
2.      A sure proof of a change of mind.
3.      Faith inaugurates purity of life.
4.      It is faith that leads to prayer, that’s the very breath of God in man.
5.      Faith is that which will give credit to God for all things.
1.      Miss the comfort.
2.      Never two days alike.
3.      Confused in conduct.
4.      Hope never.
5.      Lack of spiritual vigor and strength.
1.      Do not want to ask God for an indication that he is God.
2.      The other half do not believe in God.
3.      And others simply refuse to believe anyone who will give them a Word from God.
Don’t refuse the advice of God, by those whom God has chosen.  Isaiah asked?  “No!” said Ahaz.
1.      First: Isaiah son. Isaiah 8:18.  Maher shal al hash baz. A sign of present deliverance for Israel.
2.      Secondly: The Messiah who would be born 700 years later.
A SIGN WAS GIVEN: We need a sign to believe.
Refers to something addressed to the sense to attest the existence of divine power. To assure faith or to demonstrate authority.
Ahah had a crisis in his spiritual life: didn’t have one
1.      Getting  entangled in idolatrous ways.
2.      Involved in disloyal relations.
3.      Compromised himself in dealing with the Temple treasure.

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